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Almost there.he thought as his body slide aside the spear.

He was finally free from Kabuto and he was getting closer,his eyes could see the smallest amount of light coming from the opening above.

He pushed himself up,and reached out.

His hand made contact with the cool air.he gripped the sides of Kabutos mouth,and pulled himself out.

Orochimaru gasped for air,as he was finally free from his apprentices body.

It was all thanks Rin that he was able to get out.

He descended himself to the ground.

Although he was out,he was afraid....everything Kabuto saw he did as well.

When Rin walked up to Kabuto in his last moments..her eyes were was something he's never seen before in his lifetime.

It wasn't the ketseryugan,or the mangekyo sharingan..he didn't know what it was.

And that's why,he changed sides.

He slowly stood up and looked at Kabuto.

His mind was made up.

He was going to help the allied shinobi force.and by that he was gonna revive the previous hokage.he took a step back.

He didn't feel any pity for Kabuto.not after he betrayed him.

Orochimaru smirked,farewell.he thought.
The original Naruto walked out of the falls of truth.

Finally he had attained something he wanted for a long time.

He nodded to himself,alright..this is no time to slack off.after what my clones experienced in that battle with Madara,i need to be more prepared.

"Hey Naruto!"Sakura called out.

Naruto smiled and waved,"hey!"he greeted back as he walked over to her and Kakashi.

"Were you able to do it?"Kakashi asked putting his hands in his pockets.

He nodded,"yeah!it wasn't easy,but I finally have control over the nine tails."he answered.

Sakura smiled confidently,she had a few tricks up her sleeve as well.

"Naruto."Kakashi said.

He looked to his sensei,as well as Sakura.

It was quiet for a moment,and a soft breeze came flowing through.

"I understand what your trying and most likely going to do with Sasuke and Rin."

"Your feelings toward the both of them are quite inevitable."

"I'll allow you to talk to try and convince them that there is a better way."

"However,if they refuse and aim to kill you...

"I need you to have the same intent."

"Do not let Sasuke or Rin kill you no matter what."

Kakashi turned to him,"As your teacher,that's all I ask."he said.

Naruto was taken was the first time Kakashi had ever said something like that to him.he was even willing to give Sasuke and Rin a chance.

He nodded."I promise sensei."he said raising his fist.

But suddenly he felt someone's chakra.

What the?

He put his hand down and turned towards the forest.

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