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I really wouldn't call it awkward,but when Madara came in here,he didn't acknowledge me at all.before that incident he would always look at me,but now it's like i dont even exsist..

There was definatly tension here.

But...his lips,i felt was like i had a connection with him.i half smiled,sitting up from the sure i wasn't the only one who felt it.

I got up and began to stretch,thanks to Izuna,i was allowed to walk around.but i did have limits,I couldn't go off the boat unaccompanied,Madara or Izuna had to be with me.

I walked to the door and and opened it.the breeze flowed through my hair.i closed the door and walked out on the deck.the sound of seagulls and waves crashing onto the dock was relaxing.

It was such a beautiful day.i walked out to the rail and hopped on it.i had one arm on the pillar to ensure my balance as i stood on the wooden railing of the boat.

I starred onto the horizon of the ocean,it's been awhile.i thought.

"Someone's in a good mood."

I turned around,"Izuna!"I said happily.he walked to me and held out his fist.

I smiled and hit his with mine.this reminded me of Kabuto..I shook it off,i need to forget him.he's no longer important.

"How was your day?"Izuna said.

"Better."I replied.

I heard the sound of wood creaking,i looked up to see Madara boarding the boat.

A fluttery feeling appeared in my thought.just the sight of him made me all nervous,"Im gonna go rest."Izuna said.

"Oh...alright."I said giving him a small smile.

He retured it and i waved as he walked away to his cabin.i put my hand down and turned.

Looking at Madara,i watched as he starred out onto the something bothering him?well i know i can't ask becuase he's probably going to tell me to go into the cabin.

I turned away to go somewhere else,but i never took a step.

I looked back.

C'mon,it never hurts to try.I gathered some bravery and took a deep breath as i walked over to him.I had my arms behind my back,my hand squeezing the life out of the other.

"H-Hey Madara."I said.

I waited for a response but he didn't say anything.

"I was just gonna ask if we could go into the village and see the gardens."I said half smiling.

I waited...

"I just came from the village."he replied.

At least he said something.

"But i never get to go anywhere.."I said.

I turned away and crossed my arms.

"You and Izuna always get to go where ever you want."I added.I felt his stare on me,ohhh okay maybe a small complaint was a bad idea-

I heard Madara walk away,i opened my eyes and saw that he was heading for the ramp that connected the boat to the docks.

I watched him confused.what is he-

"Are you coming?"he said bluntly.

My inner self freaking out as i paced to him,he let me go first and then he followed.I waited for him once he was off the dock so we walked side by side.

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