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Obito held out his hand,i took it and he helped me up.

A few minutes ago,i had woken up.Madara had ordered us to keep moving.

It was early,the crack of dawn but i felt well rested.I looked over to him,he was writing in a scroll.

I went over,ignoring Obito's instructions for me.As i approached him i stood awfully close,smiling smally and leaning in.

"Watcha doing?"i asked.

I looked down at the scroll,he was writing a formula for im guessing a new jutsu.

I didn't get a response,"Are you working on a new jutsu?"i asked nervously smiling.

"Go and stay with Obito."he said.

I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"But i wanna stay with you.."i said,i felt myself blush.i looked down to the scroll so he wouldn't see it.

Damn it Rin!get it together! i thought.i slightly gasped when i looked up and saw Madara starring at me,i couldn't help it,but i felt myself heat up.

It's like we studied each other...

He was so handsome,the way he showed determination..he was so did i end up with feelings for him,he consumed my heart and i wanted nothing more but to be his wife and stay by his side.but my instincts wer'nt fond of the idea..

The wind blew,blowing my hair softly.

It almost seemed perfect for what I've been wanting to do with feelings swirled within me.i loved this man..but i didn't know if he felt the same way..

There's only one way to find out..i thought.

I slowly moved my hand till it was on top of his.

He glanced at our touching hands then back to me.oh man..i thought as i leaned in.

I placed my other hand onto his chest.

Madara's eyes were slightly widened as he watched me inch closer and closer,i was looking straight into his eyes until i closed mine and puckered my lips softly.

This it is,we're about to kiss for the first time!does he feel the same way about me?!


My eyes opened wide and i quickly backed away putting distance between me and Madara.

DAMN IT OBITO!!!!my inner self yelled.

As Obito came putting his akautski cloak on,he looked up at us,"There's a few stops we should take before we go to Konoha."he said.

I was smiling politely at Obito,but in my mind i was beating him.

"Right,we should head for the land of wind.Pain isn't going to get to Konoha for awhile."Madara said.

My insides clenched,he acted as if nothing happened.

I sighed as i lost my smile that was now a frown.

"Lets go Rin."Obito said as he put on his orange mask.

"Right."i said softly and went to him.

Madara did the sign of the ram and the scroll dissapeared.

We all began walking in a diffrent direction.

So now were going to the sand village.i thought.

I narrowed my eyes at Obito giving him the nastiest glare.


But then i looked at Madara only for a quick second..he didn't oppose to me putting my hand on top of his,or when i leaned in he didn't push me away.

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