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—three days later—

"We will not be underestimated by the enemy!"

"The attack on the hidden leaf was merely a warning and a mockery!if we don't take them down now then there will be no future for any of us!"

"The mist,the cloud,the sand,the stone,the leaf are no more!"

"Right now we are all shinobi!"

"We must join together to protect what we've and all the kage before us have built!we cannot let the enemy take what we have!"

"Well give them a fight!just like my only friend told me.we cannot give up !"

"We're going to protect what we have!Gaara shouted

Cries and shouts of agreement rose from the large amount of the crowd.Kakashi smiled to himself,we might have a chance at victory...he thought.

All five shinobi glared at there army.they all had a boost of confidence.they had numbers,and the enemy didn't.


"Are you with me!shinobi alliance!"Gaara yelled and raised his fist.

"Are you with me!shinobi alliance!"Gaara yelled and raised his fist

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Getting all good responses,the ninja were motivated to win the war.

Gaara was sure of his plan.that woman would be no more,and all Uchiha would be wiped out from the world.

Gaara raised his fist,"lets move out!"he yelled.

Rins P.O.V.
"I my attack on the leaf was to trigger the war to begin?"I asked.

"Yes,that was the only way we could take one of the nations out in a day."he said.

"That so..."I muttered.

"Wait..I know were going to the sand village,but why is Madara going to strike there?"I asked.

"According to our intel we received,that's where all of the kage will be,and Madara wants them all dead.leaving whatever they were planning to attack us,go forgotten."he replied

"Wow.."I whispered.that was a really smart move.i didn't even think about that.

"If this plays out like we planned,the five kage should be in the sand village."

"That's where Madara will face them,and take them down."he explained.

Hold on...that was the plan?!ever since the beginning,I knew Madaras temporary goal was to target and attack that village.but I didn't think he was going to face the all the kage alone!

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