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Rin's P.O.V
I woke up to the sound of birds singing,its morning?

I took in my surroundings,im still in Madara's tent..and its..cold.

My body was sore but not as much in pain as the first time i woke up.maybe i could get up and walk now?

I groaned when i pushed myself to sit up,I slowly turned my body placing my feet on the floor.

When i stood i felt my legs shake a bit.

You got this Rin,i thought.

I took my steps slowly,careful not to go to fast.memories of my training came back into my head,then-

I punched Itachi?

I smiled.I did!!!

My smile turned into a frown,I wish i could've done more.

I passed throught the tents entrance and walked outside,fresh air...the sun shined on me.woah,it feels like i haven't been outside in forever.

I spotted Obito,he was starring into the small river.


I slowly walked over to him,I hope he's alright?

"Sensei?"I said softly as i stood next to him.

"Your up?"he said turning his head looking at me.I was utterly confused on why he was standing here doing nothing,I mean he was always doing something.

"Yea,how long have i been asleep?"I asked.

"One and a half day."he replied looking back into the river.

I bit the inside of my cheek and slowly nodded,okay...

"Are you ok-"I started to say but he cut me off.

"I'm sorry."he said.

I furrowed my eyebrows,"what do you mean sensei?"I questioned.

Obito looked at me,a frown on his face.I knew what he was talking about now.

"Im sorry i didn't master the jutsu.but I'll try again!"I said.i think he's mad at me for not being able to master it.

"No Rin,that's not why im sorry.."he said.


"I know how hard it was for you.that kind of training isn't meant for a woman,but in order for the real justu to work,you had to drain all of your chakra."he said.

I had more and more questions now.what did he mean?

"What do you mean by real jutsu?"I asked.

"The real justu is the devastation release.this jutsu requires a user who has not yet awakened the sharingan.but it ended up showing."he replied.

"I thought you had to wait years for it to happen."I said.

"It does,but there are other methods and techniques to use."he said.

"For an Uchiha whos trying to unlock his mangekyo sharingan,the first step is to try it the old fashioned way and drain there chakra."he explained.

"What's the next part sensei?"I asked.

"The next part is to put you in a genjutsu."he said.

Oh,well that isn't that bad.i thought.

"That genjutsu is reliving the mass murder of the Uchiha clan."he said.


"NO!"I yelled.


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