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I laid in bed,tied to it.

Madara would give me water every once in a while and Izuna would feed me three times a day,i guess i couldn't complain...But i was still blindfolded,so maybe a little.

I also was trying to gather intel from Madara and Izuna,whatever i could hear from them i dually noted in my head.but all i got was the confirmation that we were going to hell valley,and Itachi was leading the other shinobi and gathering some more intel from the enemy.

But I was trying to figure out what there routine was.and from what i heard,Madara would come sleep in here and Izuna probably slept in a diffrent cabin.

Right now i could tell that we were docked somewhere,due to the sounds of people and seagulls.I know were supposed to go to the chinoike clans original homestead today,but I've never actually been.I've only overheard my mother talking about it with my father,especially that the clans tablet was more dangerous then the Uchihas.

Hours passed and finally i heard the cabin door open.

Gloved hands,i knew that was Madara.i felt him grab my arm,while the other untied the rope that held me onto the bed.

"Madara?"I quietly said.

He didn't answer,that's how i definitely knew it was him and not Izuna.when i was free,i began to sit up,but i was roughly flipped over on my stomach.

I yelped,oh!

I felt my cheeks turn red,but he only tied my wrists behind my back.

Unfortunately,the stupid rope leash was back.I mentally was punching him,while he commanded me to walk foward.

I obeyed,I then felt the coolness of the felt so good.It's been a long time since I've been outside.
I heard the sound of crickets chirping as we walked through which im guessing is a forest.

I knew Madara was walking behind me and Izuna in front,i felt there chakra,and by far I gathered how different they were.

About a few miles later,Izuna spoke,"Were here."he said.

The blindfold was taken off was a wasteland!I took a shaky breath,i hated this brought back horrible memories.

"Well?"Madara said impatiently.

I was trying so hard not to cry.

"I-Its this way."I muttered,and started going towards a cave.I starred at my feet so no one would see me if I started to cry.

Walking inside the dark entrance-

"Firestyle:dragon ball jutsu!"I heard Izuna yell.

That had fixed the problem of not seeing,the fire lit up multiple antique torches that went on alongside the wall.

I kept walking down the long narrow path until there was a room.

I stopped in front of it.

"I need to weave signs for the tablets words to appear."I said quietly.

"Hurry up."Madara replied untying me.

When he did,he grabbed my upper arm and walked into the room.he saw the shrine where a stone tablet with no words on them stood,he placed me in front of it.

"Do it."he ordered.

I swallowed as the tears swelled in my eyes.

"I need a kunai.."i said turning to him.

"Here."Izuna said handing me one.Madara crossed his arms and kept his eyes on it goes i made the first sign.


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