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"You honeslty think you could defeat me!"Madara yelled.

"I will stop you!"Itachi yelled back.

There swords clashed making a swirling gush of wind,I covered my face with my arms.

"Obito!we have to help Madara!"I yelled over the loud sounds of battle.

"Madara doesn't need any help,you'd just get in the way."Obito said picking me up and jumping into the trees,he set me down.

We watched from above as Madara and Itachi fought.

Obito was sure to keep his arm around me,just in case-

The ground rumbled and debree from trees and rocks flew,Obito shielded me putting me in a tight hug with my head tucked into his chest.

In case anything like that happened...

"I won't stop until that Uchiha is dead!"Itachi yelled.

Why would he reveal who he was really working for?he's one man after all he wouldn't have said anything if-


"OBITO-"I started to yell but a kunai was thrown and landed an inch away from my head.

Obito's angered expression was more intense as he looked behind him.

Hot water ninja invaded all around us,I analyzed as many chakra forms as i could,spectating there strengths and weakness but it was all to sudden!I couldn't really see it.

Obito picked me up again,and headed in the direction of the camp site.

If Madara's fighting Itachi and Obito's with me..then who's with Izuna!

"Izuna!"I yelled to Obito.

"I know!"He replied dodging kunai's and shurikan.

I knew i felt some kind of presences once i walked outside!this isn't what i thought would happen!I knew there was going to be an attack since i had been warned about it,but i never thought Itachi was aligned with the other side.

Just then a paper flew right in front of us,A BOMB!

Obito stopped right in his tracks and jumped to the ground.


We landed,looking ahead.but there was a ninja who stood in our way.

My eyes averted to his headband,a leaf shinobi?

He had grey hair and wore a mask,his headband covered one of his eyes,this ninja is a jounin based on his uniform.

I was set down,Obito stood with his fists clenched.

Who is this?why is Obito starring him down with such hatred.

"Obito?"I whispered.

"Just stay behind me."he whispered to me.

"Obito?!"the leaf shinobi said in a suprised and panicked tone.

Did they know each other?!

"Kakashi."he muttered low enough so he wouldn't hear,Obito got into battle stance.

This Kakashi guy was shocked but recovered quickly as Obito struck him.

He blocked his attack.

Kakashi jumped back and lifted his headband,Huh?!the sharingan!

Kakashi jumped back and lifted his headband,Huh?!the sharingan!

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How does he have it?he wasn't an Uchiha?!

I watched as they exchanged blows and attacks,they both were strong ninja..

Kakahsi made hand signs,"CHIDORI!"he yelled,he grabbed his own wrist and lighting was in his hand.

"Sensei watch out-"I started to say but a hand went over my mouth.

"MPH!MPH!"I tried to yell but it came out muffled.

I looked up and saw that this person had pale skin and dark brown hair,and had a leaf headband,those were the only details i got before i was blindfolded.


I felt that feeling again,I was being bound by the chakra sealing rope.

"KAKASHI!"a voice said.

I couldn't see anything,i could only navigate by sound.

"Rin!"Obito yelled.

"Ninja art:super beast scroll!"the voice i didn't know said.

I felt gloved hands on me,I knew who this was!It was that Kakashi guy!he was the only one wearing them.

"Lets go Sai!we have our target!"Kakashi yelled.

I was picked up and thrown over his shoulder,I immediatly began to fear what would happen next.

Were they going to kill me?no!they would have done it already.

I know Obito wouldn't let them take me,nor Madara.

But i should still make a plan!


I heard Obito's voice yell his name,what the hell was going on?what if i did an earthstyle jutsu!If i could just do two signs then i could change the landscape just a little.

A massive amount of force threw me and my captor to the ground,my head took the most damage as I clashed with it.

The blindfold was ripped off me.

"Sensei!"i shouted with relief.

He had me in his arms again,this time he ran away,passing through trees and other objects.

Kakashi and that other guy were right on our tail.

I could still use that jutsu to knock them off our trail.the sounds of battle was all that was heard when i made my hand was extremely difficult to do so when my hands were bound,I only managed to make three signs.

I hope the shinobi on our side survive this.

"Earthstyle:clashing landscape!"I yelled,and managed to touch the ground.

"Rin what did you do-"Obito started to say but was cut off when the ground began to shake.

"Travel above!"I yelled,indicating that we move in the trees.

He nodded and jumped up.I looked down,seeing the small crack on the surface.

I watched the ground,the loud sound of the earth breaking apart was erupted.

These leaf shinobi have no chance against this.

They were no longer chasing after us.It must've worked.

"We're almost to the site!"he said.the wind whipped my hair around as he went even faster.

I took a quick breath,where's Madara...I looked back,making sure no one was tailing us.I couldn't help but feel bad,what if my jutsu killed the others?the ninja on our side..

It couldn't have!Im sure they made it to saftey,the camping grounds were in my sights.

Obito landed in the middle,"find Izuna,and gather as much ninja tools as you can."He ordered putting me down.he took off the rope that restraint me and ran to the tent where the forbidden jutsu scrolls were held.

"Izuna!"I yelled running,where is he!of all the times to be missing he chooses now!I ran as fast as i could,it wasn't that quick since my body still wasn't recovered from that training i did.

"Izuna!!!"I called out again.


I picked up some kunai that were oddly scattered on the ground,someone's been here..

I gasped coming to an abrupt halt.

Our site!It was destroyed!everything was burning!and weapons and scrolls were thrown everywhere.

Izuna!i thought.

I took off running into the fiery place looking all around me.

All i need is to find out where Izuna is!

"Izuna!its Rin!!come out!"I yelled.I started to feel his chakra,but it was faint and weak,he must be somewhere around here.

My eyes widened.

"IZUNA!!!!"I screamed.

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