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Obito walked along the cliffs edge.

He knew he was here...he could sense his chakra.

"I'm actually showed up."

Obito stopped in his place.he looked behind him.

A man stood there with an evil glare plastered on his face.

"I only showed up to kill you."Obito simply said.

Kabuto smiled and laughed to himself,"fine,although I knew you would say something like that."he said slapping his hands together.

The ground began to shake.Obito narrowed his eye as six coffins rose from the ground.

What is this.Obito thought.

"You really think I would come to you without an ace up my sleeve."Kabuto said as the lids from the coffin fell one after another.

All six men were in there own coffin.

The reanimation jutsu?only certain people could perform that.he thought.

"I'm also offering a vary crucial piece of information about your precious Rin."he said getting a smile.

Obito didn't care about anything he had to say.

"I don't want to hear it."he said.

"I'll let you in on it anyway since it's not the real trump card I have."Kabuto responded.

It got silent,and with him smiling in a sinister way,Obito didn't want to know what he already did.

I'll just attack now.he thought.

"Rin is the ten tails jinchuriki."

Another long moment of silence went by.

Obitos eyes were wide.

That couldn't be true

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That couldn't be true.

It can't be.

That was impossible.

No!this bastard could be lying about it.but how did he know they were after the ten tails,only the allied shinobi force knew,besides Madara and Sasuke,and Rin herself.

"If you don't believe me that's fine.but she'll end up showing it sooner or later."he said.

Rin never showed any power of a jinchuriki...even when training.but...he doesn't sound like he's lying.and Obito was the type of person to notice when someone was telling him something false.

If Rin was the jinchuriki,then that would mean...


He couldn't begin to think that.

He had to go to tell Madara.

"I'm only showing you these bodies,because I want you to believe in my power,even trust in it."Kabuto asked as he walked towards Obito.

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