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I shivered at the sight of her.

Obito was gone in a second and then appeared at top of the building me and Madara stood on.

"Obito!"I yelled running to him.

He was in a serious condition!his arm was drastically bleeding.

I crashed into his body,wrapping my arms around him.

I felt his body,it was slightly shaking.his heartbeat was normal,and his vitals were uneasy.

Obito patted me on the head.

"Im fine,Rin."he said.

I looked up at him.

"But i-"I started to say but he looked at Madara.

I swallowed placing my head back on his chest,i just need to make sure his heart is men not care about there health?

His chakra was vary uneasy.

I felt Madara's hand grab my shoulder,I furrowed my eyebrows as i stepped back from Obito and stood next to him again.

"It's done."Obito said.

I held onto my arm,and looked at Obito with a worried expression.does he not feel pain?

"What about Nagato."Obito asked.

Him to!i thought.

"He awaits his death,he plans on attacking the Konoha leaf village."Madara said.

"By himself?"Obito muttered.

"He's going to control the 6 Pains and use the planetary devastation jutsu."Madara explained.

There..there going to attack the leaf village?

"Anything else we have to do?"Obito questioned.

Madara shook his head and turned to me.

"Heal him."he ordered.

I looked at Obito,who went to the railing and sat on it.he grunted holding his side.

I went over sitting next to him i placed my hands on his upper arm,it was the all that he had from it.

"Is this where it hurts the m-most."I choked up and turned my head so he wouldn't see me cry.

He took off the rest of his broken mask.

"Yea.."he simply said.

I felt his stare as long with Madara's on me.i sniffed,damn it..get a hold of yourself Rin.

"Stop crying."Madara said.

"i-m tr-ying.."i whispered,but it was no use.

I heard Obito's small laugh.

"Rin."he said,he poked me twice on my shoulder.

I turned looking at him,he gave me a half smile."It feels 100% better."he said.

I laughed queitly and wiped my tears with my sleeve.

"Your 100% lying."i said.

Obito smiled.
We were all walking back to the house,Obito had changed his attire.

I had made sure to heal everything i could,Madara said he was going to replace his arm so that took some of my worry away.


I cringed as i heard a sharp ringing noise in my head,i placed two fingers on my temple.damn it!this headache will not go away!i was getting greatly frustrated with this.I don't know how many times i applied my medical jutsu on it.

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