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I slowly opened my eyes,but only saw nothing.

My consciousness slowly came to me,hearing footsteps around me,i realized that someone was carrying me.

I was over there shoulder from what i felt,and we were on the way to...


I couldnt make out anything through this blindfold.I bit down on the rag that was in my mouth.i can't draw any blood.but what no one knows is that im conscious right now,maybe if i move aggressively he'll drop me and i could break these bonds.

"Madara,shall we make refuge here?"I heard someone say.

I listened carefully,but before Madara said anything,i moved my body harshley.

"What-?!"The person who now dropped me said.

I hit the floor with a thud,"Get her!"I heard another voice say,but i quickly used my chakra to burn the bondage away.

Feeling someone grab my arm,i yelled kicking them,once his hands were off,i ripped off the blindfold.

More men were running towards me.i took my gag off as i jumped to my feet,and wielded signs

"Fire style:dragon flame jutsu!"I yelled inhaling and bringing up my sign to my mouth,then exhaled.

When i landed,i was back to back to a tree,I panted looking at all the men that surronded did nothing to them!

"STAY BACK!!"I yelled as they made small steps closer to me.

Madara looked at me,and my eyes averted to the man who stood next to him.

I-Itachi Uchiha.Hatred filled me,and i quickly made a plan on what i was to do.

"Restrain her."Madara simply said.

Just then a shinobi ran up to me,Trying to grab my throat,i dodged and reached for a kunai,and kicked him back to where the rest were standing.

"Itachi."Madara said as i sliced my hand and let go of the weapon.

"GET AWAY!!"i yelled as tears of blood started to fall.i began to make my signs for the blood manipulation.but suddenly sharingan eyes were in front of me,oh no!Itachi grabbed both of my wrists with one hand,my feet were no longer on the ground as he lifted me.

Itachi raised his hand and harshley back handed me.i yelled as the stinging pain spreaded on my cheek,and in a matter of seconds,i was blindfolded.NOT AGAIN!

I yelled as i kicked at him,he didn't seem to be affected.god damn it! he's to strong!

I managed to enhance chakra on my feet,then i aimed my foot to his chest and again!I fell,landing on both knees,I ripped the blindfold off and-

This time Madara was standing in front of me.I starred into his rinnagen eyes,my insides clenched,fear consumed me.

I shook those thoughts away,I started making my signs,but before i could do the second one,Madara grabbed my throat and lifted me up.

I held onto his wrist trying to break away from his feet were were trying to reach the ground but it was no use,he was taller then me.

My eyes watered as the pain spiked through me.

"You think you could escape me?"he said.

"LEt mE Go-"i choked but he brought his other hand and jabbed me hard into my stomach.

My chakra was instantly cut off.

He hit my chakra point!Madara dropped me.

I laid there helpless,i couldn't escape this powerful man,i didn't know such a shinobi exsisted.I starred at the ground,panting.I wasted my chakra..this attack did nothing.

I cried out in pain when i felt him grab a handful of my hair.

"Itachi,if you cant handle her,then you have no use to me."Madara said,his fist tightening in my hair.

I cringed as Itachi apoligized and grabbed the blindfold and gag off the floor.i grabbed Madaras wrist trying to break away from him.

He pulled my head back,making me look up at him,"Its useless."he spat,then he threw me foward in front of Itachi's feet.

I couldnt stop my silent tears..

Madara muttered a jutsu,before i had a chance to comprehend anything,i was again tied,this time just my wrists with a long piece of rope...this was a special type of rope,it drained chakra to keep the hostage weak.

I followed the long leash,I angrily looked up at Madara who had it in his hand.i already began to feel my body weaken from the drainage of my chakra.

As if to provoke me,he pulled me towards him by yanking im some dog!I was so angry,i wanted to kill him right here,RIGHT NOW!

"Good."He said to me.Madara tossed the rope to Itachi,he caught it.

"Lets go."Madara said and started walking again.

I felt my eyes water..this wasn't fair.i chin was grabbed by some guy who looked similiar to Madara.

"Hold still."he said bluntly,letting go of my face.

I cried as he gagged me,"hurry up Izuna."Itachi said.all he did was scoff,and put the blindfold on as well.

"Get up woman."Itachi spat at me,pulling me up by the rope.i whimpered as pain spread through me.i stood on my feet,seeing nothing but darkness

I stood still,Crying while I heard Itachi's footsteps pass me,but eventually I was yanked by Itachi.

"Walk."he said,his tone was cold.this time i obeyed.

How did this happen?why Kabuto?why?

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