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"IT'S MADARA,RETREAT!"one of the ninja said.

They started to back away,but i knew he wasn't going to let them escape.

Obito was next to me in battle stance just in case,but i knew nothing was going to happen to me when Madara came here.

I gasped when his susanoo appeared around him,he was going to anialate everyone.

His eyes showed anger and hatred,he was hurt.

I felt what he was feeling in his heart,Madara..i know your heart is broken..i thought.

He starred at the leaf shinobi.

In an instant his susanoo grabbed his hand and made a fist with both and smashed the ground.

Bodies were thrown into the air and collided with the ground.This time i didn't cringe to the sound of shinobi screaming for there lives.

I just held Izuna,craddled him as if he still were alive.I placed my hand on his cheek.

Crying while i did,"Izuna."I whispered putting my forehead on his and slowly rocking back and forth.

All while a mass murder was going on.
—next day—
The whole team of the akuatski,Pain,Konan,Obito,Madara and me all stood looking into Izuna's body that lay in a coffin.

—next day—The whole team of the akuatski,Pain,Konan,Obito,Madara and me all stood looking into Izuna's body that lay in a coffin

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We all wore black,the akuatski treated this like it was just another death,but it was a tragedy for me,Madara and Obito.

We were the last of our clan,yet another one of us has died.

I was the only one who was crying.

Izuna..i thought.

"Rin it's time to eat!"his voice echoed in my head,it was so awkaward at first..since Madara forced him to feed me.

He was the only kind person that treated me carefully..

Once we all made our peace with him,i held a small daphadill flower and walked up to the coffin.

I gently placed it in his hands and backed away as one of the members closed the top.

I watched as they hauled it up and walked outside the door,Hearing everyone exit the room,i was the only one who stood in there.

I can cry out loud now?

I sunk to my knees and put my hands on my eyes and started to sob,my bestfriend is dead.

I killed most of the leaf ninja for it.


What?i thought everyone had left?Why is Madara still here..he should be watching the burial right now,but it doesn't really matter..i didn't care.

I continued to cry.I didn't want to see him get buried.i couldn't watch my friend go down like that.

I heard Madara walk closer to me,he grabbed my arms gently making me stand on my feet.

I tried to pull myself away.

"Im s-orry,i did-n't mean to cry like th-is"I chocked out.

But i gasped when he hugged me,in a full embrace!

My eyes were wide,he was holding me tightly.

A few moments later,my shaky hands went around him,returning his hug.

My face was against his chest,I heard his heartbeat..Madara..i know your hurting,why won't you show me your true feelings..

We had transported ourselves to the hidden village of rain,it was safer here since Pain ruled the land.

Madara slowly pulled away,I looked up to him.he kept that same emotionless face.

I put a strand of hair behind my ear,and looked up.

" s-orr-y that i..i couldn't keep him safe."I whispered.

Madara opened his mouth but before he could speak i started crying again.

"I-ITS MY F-AULT!I S-SHOULD'VE S-STAY-ED WITH HIM!!"I yelled and contined to cry.

How pathetic it was for me to show my feelings,but i just couldn't help it.

Izuna was my friend..

"Im s-orry M-madara.."I whispered.

A long moment of silence past,and seeing Obito watching from the corner of my eye made me feel even more pathetic.everyone kept themselves under control,unlike me.

"It isn't your fault."Madara said placing a finger under my chin and slowly made me look at him.

My eyes glimmered with sadness.

"I should have kept my brother safe."he said.

"It's no one's fault."Obito said walking to us.

We both turned and looked at him,"You cant take the blame for someone else's doing.leaf shinobi did this,and you killed all of them Madara."Obito added.

A sharp pain edged into my head,i simply ignored it like i had been for the past day.

Its probably just the side affects of my mangekyo.

"This time we take a diffrent approach...."Obito started to say but i spaced out and looked at him,he seemed to be taking it hard to...I grabbed his hand and hugged him.

He immedialty stopped talking,i knew he was suprised but i squeezed him a little tighter.

"Its okay sensei...we don't have to talk about anything."I said.

I pulled away,Obito put his hand on my head.

"Alright."he said.

I gave the best one sided smile i could,he looked at Madara and gave him a nod and left.

Madara looked at me,and i did him.

"Lets go,you still haven't recovered properly."he said walking to the exit.

I followed,when i caught up to him i grabbed his arm.

He stiffened at my touch but didn't tell me anything.

My depression was heavy in my heart,as we stepped out,the clouds were grey and dark as well.

I held my thoughts,i would only cry if i thought about Izuna.

I don't know how im going to cope.

Raindrops fell,even the sky is crying..

I leaned more into Madara,my hands sliding from his arm to his hand.

He didn't seem to mind at all, I held it tightly and blinked back my tears.

My heart was hurting.

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