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Before I could take my first step into finding Madara,there was a loud crash in front of me.

What the?!

I raised my arms protecting myself as dust and debree flew everywhere.

Then another harsh crash came beside it.

What is this?whats going on?

There was another.

This isn't an attack.its merely shinobi.i thought as another landed.

I lowered my arms.these ninja must be out of their minds if they think they can just come up to me and attack-

As the dust cleared my eyes widened.





The first hokage!

With a dead serious expression he stood there in front of me.he's reanimated?

My eyes averted to the side,no way!the second hokage!I looked to the other,the third..

The previous hokage against me!even the fourth was here.I kept my composure as I looked back to the first.

I hated these men.

All of them.there were questions flooding my mind.who reanimated them?why?i thought only a few people knew how to use this jutsu?and it couldn't have been Kabuto.

Well...I won't find answers now..I have to focus.

"Come to finish what you started lord first."I said as a kunai formed in my hand.

He kept his expression.


"I haven't."

"We've only come to put a stop to this war."he said.

"And you immediately think that it's my doing."i replied.

"Who else would it be."Tobirama said crossing his arms and staring at me with disgust.

"You have vengeance don't you,against the leaf."

"Aside that,you weren't even suppose to be alive.its only natural you'd do something like this."he spat.

"Brother."Hashirama said looking at him,indicating for him to stop talking.

A breeze came by,filling in the silence.

Obito stood there waiting for when I would come to attack.he knew this buisness was just between me and the four men standing before me.

"Well you aren't mistaken."I said to Tobirama.

"I've already avenged my clan..."

"I've destroyed the hidden leaf village and killed countless lives."

"You monster!"the third raised his voice.

Hashiramas kept his for the other three,i was the one thing that they wanted to see die...

But maybe not all three.

I didn't feel that in the fourths chakra.

"I only have one thing to say."Hashirama said.

"Oh really!!!."I said getting ready to attack.

There was a lot I had to say to him.but not enough time.

"The first hokage,Hashirama Senju.proclaimed as the god of shinobi."

"What a load of crap!"I said as my feet implanted in the ground.i was about to make my move.what I said back then to Kabuto wasn't just me being full of myself.

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