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No ones P.O.V.
Sakura walked along the villages roads with nothing but optimistic thoughts.

That's what all shinobi were trying to do ever since the war began.when they heard the news of what Rin had,all ninja were in distress.some were disturbed enough to withdraw from the war.

Even so,they still had plently on there side

Sakura couldn't get Narutos reaction out of her head when he was told by Lady Tsunade.she thought it would bring him even more worried thoughts,but he only accepted it and vowed to work hard.

She smiled,that's our Naruto.she thought.

As Sakura passed one of the shops she caught sight of her friends.

"Hinata!Ino!"she called out as she walked towards them.

They both turned around,Hinata gave her a smile,while Ino just waved.

"What's up?"Ino asked as she approached them.

"Nothing really,I just found it odd that you would be at a weapons shop."Sakura replied.

"I just wanted to get prepared for the war,and I just happened to run into Hinata."Ino said as she crossed her arms.

"I'm here..for the same reason.."Hinata said averting her eyes to the ground.

"Oh I see."Sakura said.

"But um..since your here."Hinata muttered.

"Yes?"Sakura replied giving her a polite nod.

Hinata was quiet for a moment as she grasped her own hand,"I have a strong was that know..the one you fought against with Naruto and Kakashi?"she asked.

Sakura was taken back,that's odd.she thought.why would Hinata want to know about that?

Hinata regretted on what she had just was tragic for Sakura,her comrades died right in front of her!

"F-forgive me Sakura!"Hinata blurted as she bowed towards her.

Sakura shook her head,"it's okay Hinata,really.i was just thinking."she said reassuring her.

"Let's see."she muttered to herself as she placed her hand on her chin.

Sakura wouldn't even know how to explain Rins power to was devastating to witness it..another term would be god like.

"All there really is to know about her is that she's extremely dangerous."Sakura said.

Hinata wasn't satisfied with her answer but smiled and nodded to her reply.
With a positive attitude,Naruto trained with Kakashi in the outskirts of the village.

All he was focused on was his training.

Kakashi was glad that he chose to accept everything that was going on.

When he first heard the truth about Rin,he wasn't acting like himself for awhile.

"Your rasengan,it simultaneously changed with your chakra."Kakashi said placing his hands in his pockets.

Naruto nodded,"I've picked it up from when I last fought Sasuke..his chakra would change with his susano'o."he said.

"Don't overdo it,Naruto.."Kakashi said.he was worried about his student.

Naruto gave him a smile and raised up fist,he placed it on his shoulder,"don't worry Kakashi sensei,I'll make sure Sasuke and Rin come back to the village."he said enthusiastically.

Kakashi felt somewhat bad for Naruto.

Tsunade told him multiple times that Rin wouldn't be allowed to live when she was captured..and that most likely she would be killed on sight.he remembered those words that the fifth hokage had commanded to all shinobi.

Only squads of jounin could pursue after Rin.if it was anybody else,they were ordered to flee on sight.

Kakashi looked at him for a moment before giving him a smile.

Kakashi looked at him for a moment before giving him a smile

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"Right."he said.
"Shizune and I have taken your clans ability into careful consideration."Tsuande said.

"The byakugan.."Neji said as he crossed his arms.

"Right,and we have come to the decision to make a squad."

"You'll be allowed to choose seven from your clan,and lead them into battle."she explained.

Neji narrowed his eyes,"why pick me?"he asked.

"Your the most skilled out of your entire clan,it seems this was the obvious choice."she replied.

"If I'm going to do this,I need a full summary on this woman's power and about the Juubi inside her."he stated.

Tsunade nodded,"fine."she said.

"Follow me."Shizune said.

Tsuande and Neji both did so,she led them out of the office and down the hall.

Neji didn't understand why they couldn't just tell him here,"there's seven scrolls about Rins power,written by the first hokage."Tsuande said.

"But even though there's seven,they still don't cover the power she has,therefore it's incomplete."

"So you'll have to make do with the information we have."she explained.

Neji clenched his fist,it's like the enemy was always five steps ahead of us.he thought.

Shizune lead them down into a underground room,"right now,everyone in the village knows about the ten tails,but don't have knowledge about its power."

Neji was curious about her power,the Juubi,Chinoike,and Uchiha.

When they were kids,he got to witness some of the Uchiha power by Sasuke during the chunin exams.and he was amazed by that power.he wondered what the Chinoikes abilities were,he's never heard of the clan before.

Underneath the sixth floor mat,was a hatch that Shizune opened.

Tsunade went down first,both Neji and Shizune followed.

This was crucial information.Neji thought.for them to keep it hidden like this.

As they descended down the staircase,Neji kept his eye out for anything.if Lady hokage hides anything from me,then I'll know.he thought as the veins around his outer eye began to bulge.

With his eyes,he scanned the underground room throughly,but there was nothing.

"Here it is."Tsuande said as they all stopped on the last step.

Nejis eyes widened.

Seven pillars.and each one of them held a scroll.

"Neji,this is information that nobody knows it,memorize it,and then speak of this to no one."Tsuande ordered.

"Of course Lady hokage."he replied as she and Shizune turned and went back up the steps.

On each pillar there was a banner,the first said ninjutsu,the second was genjutsu,the third,taijutsu,the fourth,senjutsu,the fifth,kenjutsu,the sixth fuinjutsu,and this last one read unknown.

So she possessed all power of the basic jutsu,and the last one was...not known?

Neji was speechless.

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