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Sasuke opened his eyes.

The sound of birds chirping,and by the looks of the ceiling he knew he was in a house.

We must have moved..he thought.

He lay still for a minute,his memory of the battle slowly came to him.i was in battle with Itachi..I killed him.Sasuke was reflecting on what happened,he remembered Rin..and..wait..

What happened to Rin?

All he recalled was seeing that massive explosion.the force sent him flying back,and then everything went black.

Where was she anyway-

Suddenly he sensed a faint chakra.

His eyes averted to the right,he turned his whole head.

His eyes averted to the right,he turned his whole head

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There she was.

Laying on a separate futon,he stared at her with slight shock.her face was covered in fading bruises.

She helped him.

She aided him to kill Itachi.all that she's done for him.this moment,he truly acknowledged her.even though she let her emotions show,even though she was vulnerable and naive,he actually showed true acceptance.

Something he thought that he would never do again.

This woman was strong.but she didn't show it.Sasuke barley was figuring that out.the way she controlled the radius of that explosion.she stopped it from hitting him and Obito.

This was strange.after hearing what she had to say to Naruto,Sakura and Kakashi..his old squad he used to be in.some of what she had said was news to him.he didn't know she existed back then,he didn't know they went to the academy together.

He blinked a couple of times as more memories flooded in his mind.recalling Rins outburst.


Her voice echoed in his head as looked back up to the ceiling.

Naruto..he thought.

Your still trying to bring me back to the village..and now your trying to bring Rin just because you think you and her are alike.

There was no way he was going to let that happen.the remaining Uchihas had made him somewhat content.even though there was three men and one was familiar for him.

Although he couldn't help but think about the battle.Rin had developed multiple dojutsu,as well as kekkei genkai.the eternal mangekyo sharingan,and her ketseryugan,and the second stage of it.he noticed her eyes changing while she was holding off Itachi for him.she was doing it subconsciously,Itachi didn't give her time to think,which resulted in relying on her own instincts.

Sasuke clenched his fists,there was no need to reflect on what happened,his goal was accomplished.he got revenge for his clan,his family,even Rin.

He began to sit up,as he did he cringed in pain.his abdomen,and all his muscles ached.the soreness was painful for him.but it was nothing he couldn't deal with.

"Your not fully recovered yet."

Sasukes eyes averted to the direction of the door.Obito stood there.

"I'm fine."he said.

Obito didn't care enough to tell him a second time.he walked in the room,passing his bed and went to Rins.

Sasuke kept his stare on him.he watched as he kneeled next to her,and began to weave hand signs.his chakra was visible,with a tint of green.he placed his hand on her chest,more precisely over her heart,and the other went on her neck.

It amazed Sasuke how she was still alive.he thought he had failed his own promise of protecting the only people left of his was just something he had to do..

"What happened before she fought itachi."he asked.

Obito didn't want to talk about much as he didn't want to get into this,he knew Sasuke needed to know about Pain.and how he almost brutally killed her.he could use it for motivation in the next battle.

"The battle with Pain."he said.

"She was impaled multiple times.first in her upper thigh,then shoulder,shin,upper arm,ribs,and unfortunately straight through her hand."he listed as he kept his gaze on her.

Sasuke listened carefully.

"Her throat was sliced open."

His glare intensified to Obito.thats could someone fight two battles after getting hurt that was she able to breathe?with her throat open and exposed,she would've suffocated.

"That's not possible.."Sasuke said.

Obito was angry just speaking about was a sensitive subject for him.every time he would think about it,flashbacks of Reiko would come.

Rin almost died trying to protect him.he angrily looked up to Sasuke and grabbed the blanket that covered Rins fragile body,and pulled it back.

His eyes widened.

Now he had proof of what he wasn't impossible for her to fight two long battles after what Pain did.Obito thought.

"It was difficult."

"But she got back up again for your sake."he said covering her again.he placed his hand back over her chest.

"It wasn't impossible,like I said it was only difficult."he added.

Sasuke couldn't believe what he just saw,her entire body...the look of the large fading bruises,large healing seemed difficult wasn't the word for it.

"You've been recovering now for a month and two weeks..and through that time,I've come to a decision of what your going to do from now on."Obito said.

Sasuke looked to him,what could he possibly want him to do.

"Your going to protect Rin."he said.

Sasuke was a step ahead of him.he swore to himself again that he would.the last woman in his clan wouldn't suffer for his behalf again.

"I know."he said as he stood up from his bed.

You really have become a man.Obito thought.finally Sasuke stopped caring about himself,he realized that there was another who shared the same pain as him,he accepted Rin just like Madara and he has.

"Good."Obito said as he stood up.her dose of medical jutsu was done.

"She's the last Uchiha woman alive..."he said as he began to walk back to the door.

As Obito passed him he gave himself a small half smile.

"Madara's planning on restoring this clan."he said.

Sasukes eyes quickly made eye contact with him.they really meant that?!Madara had never mentioned something like this to him?

"Madaras agreed?"he questioned.

Obito looked ahead of him,"He will eventually."Obito stated and walked out.

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