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I walked alongside a small streaming river.

As I did,my mind was worrying about my friends that were in the hidden leaf...Deidara and Kakazu are in that village right now.

I know they won't get caught..right?

This was all to much to take in.its only been one day and everything was dumped on me.the plan,and the dangerous jobs everyone had to do.

I couldn't imagine how much they didn't want to do this..

I mean I'm dreading the day that I'll have to go back destroy..

Not that I cared about the village,I just didn't want to see....him.


I remembered that name,and I don't think I can ever forget about him.his stupid undying determination.its like he didn't know when to quit or give up.

I found it extremely revolting.

Also,what else I found unusual was that are mindsets were the same,yet completely opposite.

He's determined to bring me and Sasuke back.yet me and Sasuke are both determined to stay out.

I can't accept that we're the and that man were nothing alike..he's delusional if he's thinking he'll ever get a chance to take me back like that.


I'm not denying that it couldn't happen.


He was strong.

Vary strong.

Sasuke was having a hard time,just like I was trying to take him was almost nerve wrecking to me when he said those words to me.and the way he performed his forgery rasengan..

The damage it did to me.

It was bad according to how it felt.

The fourth hokage,the fraud who said he had created that jutsu didn't mess around when he was alive.

I wonder how he did,why he did.

Why would someone steal from the Chinoike clan.

It was enraged me,it saddened me all at the same could a hokage,the leader of the village,the one who's suppose to protect everybody steal from my clan!

Did I say my?i thought as my eyes averted to the water flowing beside me.

Do I even have a right to be saying that.

Obito told me long ago that I only had one percent of the Chinoikes blood...

Sure I have the eyes,the hair,the power,but I didn't inherit everything.all that was from one was weird to me..why did I get stuck with this stupid hair of mine,this power,these eyes.

Why couldn't I be one hundred percent Uchiha..

It wasn't fair!

Because of that small damn number,I wasn't able to do one thing that all Uchiha could do!

Because of that number,I couldn't perform a susano'o.

But I realize getting mad and hating myself won't get me anywhere.whats done is done.if I didn't come out one hundred percent,then that wasn't my fault.

I reached down to my hip,and grabbed my fathers headband that was tied to it.

It's time I did something about this,this headband that represented the hidden leaf village used to belong to my father.

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