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A woman with pink hair stood in front of all of us.

She had her eyes locked on Sasuke.

W-why are leaf shinobi here?!!my eyes slightly widened as five figures landed on each side of her.

But my heart seemed to freeze when I saw....him.


I took a step back.were out numbered!i didn't recognize the rest of these men.why have they come here!has Madara not made it clear enough to Konoha?!

Kakashi took his place in front of the woman who had said Sasukes name.they were two jonin..Kakashi and that other man.

We both starred at each other.he picked up his hand lifting his headband.revealing his sharingan,i swallowed as I began to sweat.i don't know if I can fight anymore..


I averted my gaze to the man who spoke.

"You threatened my village."

I narrowed my eyes as he took a step forward.what the hell was he talking about?i haven't done anything to his village-


I recognize him!he was the one that Pain fought when he attacked the leaf!he was the one who took form of the nine tails!

"Your going down!"he said.

I clenched my fists,that didn't matter,I'm sensing an enormous amount of chakra from him and my analysis gave me the answer.

"Stop it Naruto."Kakashi said.

So that was his name...Naruto.

Obito landed in front of me.

"This is going to end up how it did last time."Obito said.he was still in his akuatski attire,so Kakashi didn't know his real identity.but when I first encountered him,he seemed to know Obito.

"Whoever you are,step aside."one of the men said.

"We haven't forgot about you either...Sasuke."the woman said.

I looked back to him,Sasuke had an expression that read anger and annoyance.he walked towards me and Obito.

"Your still trying to get me to come back."he said.

"Come home Sasuke!"Naruto yelled making a fist.they knew each other?i thought.

"Yamato, know what to do."Kakashi said.

Sai?!that name was familiar!

"Right."he replied.

Wait we're in no condition to fight!

Everyone disappeared in an instant.i quickly turned around,me and Obito were now back to back.this was going to be hard.i had the smallest amount of chakra.and my body was still overflowing with pain.

Three large barks of wood suddenly came shooting at me,"Wood style?!"I questioned to myself.this was a lost power?!i thought as I jumped to the side,the wood went straight through Obito non effectively.

I placed my hand on the floor to stop myself from sliding across the ground.

What is this?how can he use wood style?!

A foot smashed onto my back making me hit the ground face first.

"Don't let your guard down Rin!"Obito yelled.i turned my head,It was Sai.finally I knew where I had seen him..that night of Izunas death..he's the one who tried to kidnap me.

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