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I didn't sleep vary well last night...I needed to gather all my things and be prepared to move,i could only take a bag with me,so it could seem i was still was only to confuse the men..I got up and went to the restroom and did my hygenic routine.

Once i was dressed and ready to leave,i left.I wondered who was the person who saw me training,the so called leader of the akuatski.I know it couldn't be anyone i so nervous and paranoid.

I walked down the stairs and was now walking amongst the villagers,"Hey Rin."i heard someone say,cuasing me to jump and turn around.

Oh,its just a kid.I let go of my kunai that i was gripping behind me in my pouch.

"Someones edgy."she said.

I smiled laughing nervously."No,im just a little worked up from all my training."i said.

She smiled and waved goodbye,i did the same.

I sighed as i watched her walk away.I put a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Well that doesn't make me look suspicious at all."I whispered to myself.

I continued to walk,but also began thinking about what Orochimaru's gonna do,im sure he's gonna tell those men where im at,and that i exsist.although i have a feeling they already knew i was alive.

I sighed,i have to be smart and trust Kabuto...He knows whats going on.i looked to my left and saw a fruit stand,I walked over.

Mm,it all looks so delicious.i thought as I looked at the brightly colored apples.

"Oh,can i help you dear?"an old woman said.

I nodded."I'll take five of your apples please."I said giving her a smile.

"Of course."She replied getting a small brown bag.

So slowly.....

I pouted as she barley put in the first one.. patient Rin.i said in my head.I watched as she moved like a turtle to grab the second one..I gave her a small laugh politley when she looked up at me.she looked back down and grabbed the third one.

I didn't want to be jerk but I had places to go..I had a limited amount of time here..,"Ill just help."i said fake smiling as i took the bag from her,I reached in my pocket and handed her the payment.

"Oh,thank you child."she said.

I bowed my head as i put the last two in the bag.i had to buy other foods and supplies.

"Bye bye!"I said as i started walking away,I blew out a quick breath,I should probably make lunch and pack.and tomorrow train before i leave.

Once i was home,i took off my shoes and walked in.

"Im home.."i said.i knew i was talking to no one but myself.but it was a habit..I walked to the kitchen and set the bag down on the table.I have no idea what to make.

"There's always ramen."i said to myself as i went to the cabinet.I opened up the small door and grabbed a cup.

"Make it two."

I screamed holding up a fork for my defense and turned around.


"Would it kill you to use the front door!"I snapped.

He laughed."Sorry your balcony became my front door."Kabuto said,I rolled my eyes bringing another cup of ramen out for him.

"Have you been gathering supplies?"he asked.

"Yeah,food,water and neccesities."i said.

He nodded."So you have more kunai,right?"he questioned.

I nodded,"Great,i have a map on where to go."He said pulling out a rolled paper,and spreading it over the table.

I served the ramen into bowls,putting two pairs chopsticks in each one.I picked them up and brought them to the table.

"Kabuto..."i said in a serious tone.

He looked up at me,pushing his glasses up."yeah?"he asked.

"Thanks for helping me.."I said.

he gave me a small smile,"What are friends for?"he said.

I smiled back and sat down,"So since weren't in the hidden cloud,right now you'll need to get an exception from the raikage."he said.

I nodded,all I need is that form,and I could leave.then Kabutos finger moved and was pointed to the-THE HIDDEN VILLAGE OF ROCK?!

then Kabutos finger moved and was pointed to the-THE HIDDEN VILLAGE OF ROCK?!

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"Kabuto,thats close to the leaf."I said nervously.

"Its better then the others,trust me the kage there are more strict."he said.

I bit the inside of my cheek.damn it..he was right.
After lunch,me and Kabuto packed food,water,and clothes into a small bag.

"Alright,tomorrow train hard and then after that day i'll send you off to the hidden stone village."he said.

"Alright.."I said.

"I'll see you tomorrow,and I'll get the form taken to the raikage."he said walking to the balcony,he jumped up on the rail and disappeared in a second.

I looked away and pushed my packed bag to the side.i paused when i saw the headband that I had thrown on the floor.

I had mixed emotions about this..I didn't know if I could trust my fathers words.he cared so much for Konoha..I swallowed and picked it up.he would sacrifice himself for the village.i still remember what he told me.i bit my bottom lip and put the headband on,once I tied it,looked in the mirror then at the symbol.

I remember back when i lived in the hidden leaf,and my father would come home..I used to always take his headband and put it on..

Daddy I'm gonna be great ninja like you!I heard my younger voice echo in my head.

I looked back up at the mirror,but all of that's gone.i knew the truth behind the clans murder.the third hokage..that bastard gave the orders.i took off the headband.I threw the it in my bag and walked over to the balcony and leaned on the rail.

I cant believe im leaving the cloud..after four years,someone managed to discover my exsistence.

I sighed...i liked it here,everyone was nice and it was peacful,the Raikage was understanding and truly cared about his people.

Now I have to go the hidden village of rock,who knows what the Tsuchikage is like..

I sighed."I wonder what kind of kage he is..."i muttered.

But if Kabuto wants me to go there..I'll go.

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