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As soon as those words left Pains mouth,my heart had stopped for a second.

They wanted to kill me?!

Pain weaved signs,and a dark orb formed in his hand.

I gasped,grabbing Madara's arm staying behind him.

Just then Obito was next to Madara's side and in battle stance in an instant,as well as Itachi on the other side.

I looked at Obito,then to Itachi,"Killing Rin isn't an option."Madara said.I clung to him,he wasn't going to let them..

Relief flooded me,"vary well then."Pain said,the orb disappearing.

Obito and Itachi stood to there regular posture.

Do they really want me dead?

"What do you suggest we do."he asked.

"Itachi will capture an Anbu ninja and put him under a gentjutsu,he'll go back and tell the kage that Rin is dead."he said.

"And when will that be?"a voice said.

A woman with blue hair and an akuataki cloak came into the room and walked next to Pain.

"Were expecting another attack,when we go back to the hidden village of mist."Madara answered.

Another attack.

This isn't good.

"I will leave Izuna here to recover."Madara said.

"Why don't we let Itachi do it,he killed the Uchiha clan afterall."the woman said.

I froze.

What did she just say..

My blood began to boil as i looked up to her.who the hell does she think she is!

"Killing all those people was an easy task for him,this shouldn't be hard for him to achieve."she added.

My fists tightened and i let go of Madara.

"Easy."I whispered.

Everyones attention averted to me.Im going to kill her!

"What?"she said.

"You said it was easy for him."I said my eyes activating.

"Rin."Obito yelled at me.

I didn't care.i wanted her dead for what she said,my parents!my friends!they didn't die in vein!

I felt my power again,wind was starting to swirl around my body.

"Obito."Madara said.

As if it were to mean something,Obito was behind me in seconds,his hand over my eyes.His other arm wrapped around me holding my arms in place.

My hair fell,as long with tears.

Everyone was quiet,and i sensed their stares on me.I didnt cry out loud,but i let my tears soak Obitos hand and slip through them.

"Take her."Madara ordered.

Obito moved,making me do so along with him,he held me tightly.

Hearing the door open and close,he let me go.I fell to my knees and put my hands over my eyes.i cried now,this time if all those lives meant if my parents died for nothing.I couldn't take this anymore!

I felt Obito's stare on me,but i didn't could they be so heartless and-

I felt a hand on my shoulder,"Rin."Obito said.

I wiped my tears away,but more replaced them,"what.."I whimpered.

"Everything's going to be okay."he said.

Okay?i thought.maybe it was and maybe it wasn't..why was he being so nice...I turned my head and gave him a small smile.

"Thank you,Obito."I whispered.

He returned the small smile.

I looked back to the ground,that woman was my enemy now..

He removed his hand from my shoulder,suddenly his shoes were in front of me,i looked up.

His hand was held out in front of me,"c'mon."he said.

I wiped my tears once again,and took his hand.

I could tell Madara was mad at me,it was hard walking next to him.I was scared he was going to yell at me.

Obito walked behind us,and Itachi walked in front.I kept my head down as we made our way through the outskirts of the village.

Maybe i could make the tension leave if i tried to talk to him..maybe he wouldn't be so mad.

"Hey..Madara."I said.

He kept his gaze straight foward.of course,his usual response..maybe if I told him I was sorry..

"Madara."I said again,this time touching his hand.

He stopped in his tracks and i did to,as well as both Itachi and Obito.

He turned to me.we were both face to face.I opened my mouth to talk-


I fell to the ground due to the force of his hand.I was shocked as I stared at the floor.I slowly looked up to him,my hand on my cheek.The stinging grew more painful by the second.

Obito's eyes were wide and his mouth was slightly opened,as for Itachi he only stared.

"Don't speak unless your spoken to."Madara said angrily.tears welled up,but i didn't let them fall.but as he said i didnt speak.

"Get up."he said.

It's ok,it's ok....i thought.keep the tears cried in front of everbody already..dont do it twice.

I slowly got up,and stood in front of him.i didn't face him anymore,my eyes were glued to the ground.

Madara looked at me for about five seconds then started walking again.I refused to let Obito see me like this again.he must already know I'm weak.

As i walked next to Madara,a few tears escaped.

I shouldve never talked to him.I knew he was mad but i didn't listen to my instinct.

When we arrived at the docks,Itachi stopped and stepped to the side.

Madara went first,and then i did after him.i looked up and while passing Itachi,he glared at me,with his sharingan.


I stopped in my tracks,but before i could do anything,Obito grabbed my shoulders and forced me to walk forward.

I death glared Itachi until i couldn't see him anymore.

He let me go once i was behind Madara again.we boarded the boat,and as soon as i did Madara pointed to my cabin.

"Go."he said.

Feeling my face sadden,i basiclly ran to it crying while doing so.I pushed open the door and slammed it shut.

I leaned on it,my tears now flowing freely.I looked at my bed and walked to it.

Laying on my side and hugging my head dug deep into it and i screamed.

And screamed,until loud sobs replaced them.this time no one could hear me.

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