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Tears began to well up as i held Izuna tighter,I needed to heal him,but the shinobi would kill me as soon as they see me doing it.

I heard two steps bieng taken,I looked up.


Looking at his back some of my fear subsided but it wasn't all gone.

"Heal Izuna."he ordered.

A sharp rod shot out of Obito's hand.

"Everything's going to be okay."He added.

I nodded,trying to tell myself it was in fact going to,"b-but..Obito.."I said in a shaky tone.

"Just focus on healing him."he said and in a second he was fighting the ninja.I swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded,alright!i thought.

I gently laid Izuna on his back,and went to his side.

I gasped,theres a bad burn wound and an a small impalment!he could bleed out,I put my ear to his chest.its faint!not good!I placed my hands on his wound and applied my medical jutsu.i just have to stop the bleeding and replace the lost cells on the burn.

"Hang in there Izuna,your going to be okay."I said to him as I intensified the jutsu.

I looked up,Obito was completly demolishing the hidden mist shinobi,one by one he took them out like they were nothing.


Hearing an explosion I yelled and threw myself on top of Izuna's body to shield him from anything that might hurt him.

I looked up and made sure no one was close by to me,I had just finished replacing the cells,now I needed to stop the bleeding,i tore off the sleeve of my shirt and got on top of Izuna,straddling him.

I wrapped his wound with the fabric I tore and tied it in a tight knot.

"GET DOWN RIN!"I heard Obito yell.

I instantly obeyed,and made sure i shielded Izuna.


Two more explosions.

I peaked up,Obito had a few left to defeat.

I let out a breath I was holding and then sat up and quickly.making sure the fabric was tight and secure,i got off him and stood.

He'll be okay! i just have to move him away from the battlefield.I grabbed his arms and pulled him up.i squeezed my eyes shut while i tried lifting him.

I clenched my jaw as i put all my effort and strength into it,damn!hes heavy!I only had gotten him to fall foward onto me.

I gasped as i almost lost my balance,but i quickly regained it and started to slowly walk backwards,keeping my head turned so i could see if anyone was there.

I noticed that more shinobi had shown up,they must be reinforcements...I have to place Izuna in a safe place now and help Obito!

I pulled with all my might to carry Izuna to that tree.

"Almost there!"I yelled.

I grunted as i hauled him closer and closer.

I made it!,I gently set Izuna to the ground and rolled him on his back.I weaved hand signs,"Barrier jutsu!!"i yelled and slammed my hand on the floor.

A purple barrier went around Izuna.

Alright!i looked up and ran to Obito,I enhanced the chakra in my feet and jumped up high,bring my leg down.

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