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"Madara!"I yelled running behind him and grabbing his arm.

Shino stood his ground in battle stance.

"This is a match Rin."he said.

A match?

"But why?I don't understand."i said.

"Were here to see your limits,what you can do and what you cant."he said.


"Go."he said moving out of my way.

I had no choice.I took a shaky breath as i walked about five steps.I took my stance and Shino ran to me.his fist flew through the air,i ducked and countered him back but he as well dodged it.

I developed a plan as i fought.

He brought his leg up trying to kick me,but instead i blocked it with my forearm.again using a combo,he punched twice and kicked.I moved my head to miss his attacks and did a backflip missing his kick,but i had managed to punch him under his chin sending him flying back.

I landed as did he.i narrowed my eyes,I identified his fighting style.this was a good,I have the advantage.this ninja was only using taijutsu against me.

He stared at me,i could tell he was getting frustrated.fall for it..I thought.

He pulled out a kunai and threw it straight at me.

I slightly smiled,he fell for it.i picked up my hand,making sure to catch it where the blade was.

I activated my eyes as soon as i felt blood rush out of my hand.another kunai was thrown at me,also catching it with the other hand,the more blood the better.

I looked at shino feeling the tears of blood stream down my face.i threw the kunai back at him,as he ran towards me again.

I rushed to him as well-

Shino's fist connected with my face,I flew back and hit the floor violently.

He jumped to me,and aimed his fist straight for my face again,my eyes widened as i rolled my body upwards and landed on my feet.

Shino's punch hit the floor making it crack all around.the one disadvantage I had.

I wielded hand signs.

"Blood rasengan!"i formed in the palm of my hand.

I ran to shino jumping up and brought my hand with force aiming for him.

His eyes widened and he quickly grabbed my wrist and slammed me onto the ground.he jumped and landed by bringing his leg down right on my back.

I cried out as the pain made its way through blood rasengan turned into liquid.damn it!

Shino landed in front of me.

Now I was beginning to grow frustrated.

I picked myself up,pushing through the pain.feeling power surge through me,my hair began to fly up.

I weaved my signs quickly,"Blood manipulation:dragon beast!"I yelled.

I weaved my signs quickly,"Blood manipulation:dragon beast!"I yelled

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