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(Filler chptr)
-Four days before the Uchiha massacre-

Itachi watched his little brother from above.

He was pondering about his ultimate decision.

Which side will he take?

His clan,or the village.

He needed to be assured of the pros and cons,although he wasn't worried about the bad affects.if he chose the village,Sasuke would have a chance on surviving.the third hokage had guaranteed it.but if he chose his clan...

Itachi hated thinking about it.he couldn't believe Maru had convinced their clan to attack the village.he couldn't understand why.he knew the villages leadership,including the hokage,mistrusted and moved the clan to the outskirts,and isolated them.

But it was no reason to disturb the peace.

Wasn't his father and Maru thinking about his people?how many of them would he sacrifice to gain control of the hidden leaf.

For once Itachi disagreed with the one he admired the most.

He needed to come to a choice.

Killing his clan to give his brother a good chance at living..

Or kill the villagers...innocent people who had nothing to do with this.

But inside,his true feelings.....he would rather murder everyone he knew.he would choose his brother and the future of his home...he was going to have to kill...his father...mother...Maru...Reo...even there newly adopted child,Rin.

"Hey back off!"

Hearing Sasukes voice he looked to his direction.

"I was just messing around,geez!"the other kid yelled as he backed away.

Itachi got a soft smile just as a breeze blew by.

He was always overly aggressive when it came to other kids

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He was always overly aggressive when it came to other kids.

His eyes moved to one child to the next.

This was peace.

There's no need for them to die.not for his clan,or anything else.

And that's when it came to him,he wanted to protect the village.this was his clans mistake and sin.they brought it upon themselves.he would do it,he was going to take the villages side.

There was no way he could ally with the selfishness of his clan.

"Hey over here!"

"Good catch Kiba!"

"Wait for me!"

Hearing the sound of there voices only pushed him more to the edge.he even caught the sight of the child Maru took in.

His smile disappeared.

Like always she sat in a isolated space,away from everyone.

He turned his head,looking elsewhere.

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