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I was pushed on the floor in a matter of seconds.

I looked up to see Madara right in front of me,he's the one who pushed me out of the way?!

I watched in horror,he had Sasuke's wrist in his hold,the lighting in his hand was still overflowing with power.

Sasuke tried to kill me!!

I swallowed the lump in my throat,i would've died if it wasn't for Madara..

I angrily looked at Sasuke.that bastard!i can't believe he would do something like this,i thought we called a truce!

Madara,reached behind Sasuke and grabbed his sword.

"You won't stop me!"Sasuke yelled.

"Your power is no where near hers,you merely would've taken victory over a small trick."he said.

I gasped when Madara stabbed him harshly.

"I told you,you would die if you came here."he said.

"d-damn you!"Sasuke choked out.

"But surely that choice is up to you."Madara said letting go of the sword.

Sasuke fell to his knees.

Madara turned to me.grabbing my arm,he helped me stand to my feet.i looked at Sasuke one last time.

Why should i care if he dies or not.i thought.i had honestly thought we could become friends.we did have some things in common.

Finally we returned to where we set up camp and set me down,I stood back up and frowned.

"I'm sorry,i didn't mean to lose."i said softly.i held my elbow for comfort,i felt as if he was disappointed in me.i did lose after all.

"You did fine."he said.

My mouth slightly opened and my eyes got big.w-what did he just say?did i hear him right?he never said that kind of thing?was he ok?

"We're moving out,get what you need."he said and walked past me.

No one's P.O.V.
"The attack on Konoha will be in a week."Nagato said.

"We'll avenge Konan and the rest of the akuatski members who has fallen by the hands of leaf shinobi."he added.

Obito was in the small room unnoticed.this was an infiltration mission Madara had given him,it was difficult for both of them,since they communicated through scrolls.

"Is the Rinne rebirth jutsu is ready for use?"Orochimaru said.

It turns out Orochimaru was really allied with Nagato,and planned to betray Madara.but Obito didn't know what his intentions were.

"Yes,Rin has performed the jutsu on me,I'm now in control of the rinnagan,besides Madara."Nagato said.

Orochimaru nodded and began to leave the small room,"Oh and one more thing..."he said stopping and turning his head.

"The assasiation,call it off.i want Rin alive and back in my possession."he said.

Obitos eyes widened slightly as anger built up in him.

Obitos eyes widened slightly as anger built up in him

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