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"Where's Rin."Obito said looking back forward.

"Somewhere with Sasuke i presume."he replied.

"You never went to where I sent them."Obito asked.

"I did,but no one was there.."

"But a battle had taken place."Madara explained.

Obito looked to him,he needed to tell him that Rin was the jinchuriki of the ten tails.

"Madara.."he said.

"I've learned some new information about Rin."

Madara made eye contact with him,"information."he asked.

Obito nodded,"shes the-"

"What are you doing here!?"Naruto yelled with wide eyes.

Madaras attention went to him.he's only a shadow clone..where's the real one.he thought.

Obito reached behind him,grabbing the gunbai and tossing it to Madara,"might as well."he muttered.

He caught it not taking his eyes off them.

"What happened!!"he yelled as the real Naruto came charging towards him.Madara followed him with his eyes as he jumped up ready to strike.

"They're all dead."he simply said.

Shock came into Narutos heart.

No...that can't be...

All the kage...

Granny Tsunade...

"You bastard!"Naruto yelled as he created a tailed beast bomb.

Madara raised his gunbai,just before Naruto made contact with him.this man has the same weakness as Rin.he thought as he smiled to himself.

They both get there drive from emotion

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They both get there drive from emotion.

"Uchiha reflection."

Naruto was blown away by a huge explosion.
Rins P.O.V.
I landed on the ground and glared at the small isolated building.

I sensed someone in there.

"Why are you stopping."Sasuke said as he landed in front of me.

"I think..."I trailed off.ive defiantly felt this chakra was almost like Kabutos.but since he was dead,my only conclusion was that this was Orochimaru.

"I think Orochimaru is in there."i said quietly.

Sasuke looked towards the small building.

Should we go deal with him?I thought as I raised my hand to my chest.I hated him for what he did to Kabuto.

"Come on."Sasuke said.

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