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Next day------

I kept practicing my ketseryugan over and over,trying to make my own jutsu.i made vary little progress.

I closed my eyes,weaving signs and held my hand out.I grabbed a kunai from my side pouch and sliced my palm.

I cringed from the pain,and then quickly focused my chakra into my palm.

"Bloodstyle:blood solidification jutsu!"i said.

I flipped my hand so my palm was facing the floor,my blood ran down my finger dripping onto the floor.


"Yes!"i yelled tightening my grip on the handle.I actually succeeded!!

"Rin focus!"I said,lets try a test run.i thought.

I sliced and stabbed the air,alright..something more solid.

I spotted a tree and charged straight for it,lets see if this holds!

I slashed at the tree.

HUH!i watched as the tree tipped over and fell making a loud crash when it hit the floor.

I smiled,crushing the dissapeared into the air as i looked at my hand

I can feel myself getting stronger..


I turned and smiled,"Hey Madara."I said politley.

He stopped in front of me and held out folded clothes.

I looked at them and gave him a confused look.

"W-what are these for?"I asked taking them.

"An Uchiha should wear there crest."he simply said.

"Oh.."i replied and gave him a polite smile,"thank you."i added.

He nodded and walked away,i laughed quietly as he did.

He's been so wierd ever since yesterday's incidentI looked at the folded clothes again,and starred at the Uchiha crest...

He's been so wierd ever since yesterday's incidentI looked at the folded clothes again,and starred at the Uchiha crest

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I haven't worn this since the day Itachi murdered my clan.I sighed and went behind a secluded area where me and Madara slept.

I slowly took my clothes off and unfolded the ones he gave me,i fixed my undergarments and wrapped my ankles with cloth.

I keep thinking if i nag Madara enough that he'll finally help me train.

I frowned,i miss Obito sensei...but he wasn't here,not that i dont like Madara..i mean we get to be alone together so much.

I blushed as i finished putting on my attire and then wrapped one of my wrists and hand and part of my fingers.

He did tell me about his plans and what i will be doing,his attack on the land of wind will be on his own,i am not to attack but to accompany him for healing purposes.

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