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"That's impossible.."Sasuke muttered as he clenched his fist.

"I thought it was to..."I muttered.but that was besides the point.

"That's why I won't finish him..he's my ally."I said to Madara.i never thought I would be the one to say those words...

His expression once again differed,he gave me a small half smile.

My eyes slightly widened as he did.this is the second time he's given me a true smile!

"Madara!is what she says true?!"Sasuke yelled.

He asked the right question,since I wanted to know as well.he looked at him then to me and then nodded.

It was true then...a breeze flew past,and I had finally had my confirmation about Itachis claim.I starred to Sasuke,hoping it changed his point of view on his vengeance.

Itachi was a dangerous opponent,I almost was killed during our battle twice if it wasn't for my sharingan

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Itachi was a dangerous opponent,I almost was killed during our battle twice if it wasn't for my sharingan.although I understand his feelings of revenge and hatred,I had the same ones ten years ago,I never thought that I would cross paths with Itachi first..

"Trainings over for today."Madara said and motioned his finger,telling me to follow him.

When Madara turned and started walking,I immediately went after him,giving Sasuke one last look.

He didn't know what to do,or how to react..

It's his choice on how he reacts to this.i just hope it's positive.
Madara led me to a small river,that connected with a waterfall,somewhere far away from the hideout.i found it rather strange,why did he isolate us?

i found it rather strange,why did he isolate us?

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Once we stopped walking,he turned around.

His eyes bore into mine with such intensity.

Was he mad at me?did I do something wrong?maybe it was my training!

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Was he mad at me?did I do something wrong?maybe it was my training!

Wait I know what it is!

It's because I disobeyed him when he told me to finish off Sasuke!i began to squeeze my other hand tightly.i was getting nervous with every second that went by.

If he was going to punish me then I need to apologize now,so I could get some type of mercy!

"Madara-"I started to say but he immediately cut me off.

"Quiet."he said.

I clenched my teeth as his shadow towered over me.he must be really mad..I thought.i don't know what type of consequence he was going to give me.

"Time and time again,you've proven yourself."he said.

I knew it!he's mad-

Wait what?!

Fear left my emotions,and confusion quickly entered,"w-what?"i muttered.

"You've proved your loyalty to me..along with Obito."he said turning and walking a few steps.he looked over to the waterfall that clashed down into the river.

What did he mean by that!was he going to confess about!be couldn't be?!


"I never would've thought that you would willingly give it all to me."he said.

My heart began to beat faster,and my stomach fluttered with butterflies.what was going on?this had to be fake?am I dreaming?!

"Y-yea."i said quickly as I put my hands over my heart.i can't believe it!h-he's gonna-

"You'll serve me as my weapon."he said.

My heart was instantly shattered.i froze.

His weapon?

"Your going to stay by my side for the rest of your life,doing my bidding,and obeying my command no matter what i ask."he said.

His weapon?

"I am your master."he added.

H-his we-weapon...

I blinked a couple of times,this was what he wanted to say to me?nothing else?was I wrong about him?but does it really matter what he says..I'm willing to admit to him that I have feelings for him.this man has done remarkable things for what if he wanted me to be his weapon.

"I see..."I said.

A breeze blew in gently,and there was a long brief moment of that how he thinks of me now..if I'm wrong,then he'll use me as his pawn and nothing more.but somehow that didn't matter to me anymore.he did save me.we may have started off on the wrong foot,but now.... I can't seem to picture my life without him.he's become my light in my dark world.i needed him..

Feeling a gloved hand being placed on my mine,I instantly looked up.

"Your first task."he said.

whatever this order was going to be,I'll do it no matter what.

"You will kill the fifth hokage,Tsunade Senju and destroy the hidden leaf village."he said.

That's what he wanted me to do?

My home village?i thought.

What did it matter!to hell with them!they tried to kill me!and I wasn't even out of my mothers womb!why should I care for such a pitiful village!the third hokage gave those orders to Itachi to execute my clan!my mother and father!

The village hidden in the leaves is the cause of all my pain and suffering...

"It will be done."I said.

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