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No ones P.O.V.

Itachi concentrated as he was beginning to end his genjutsu he casted out to Rin.

This would put her off the edge.he thought.

There battle they fought before,he could tell Rin was holding back.he didn't understand why,but this time he would make sure that would both have the intent to kill.

"Is it done?"Pain asked.

Itachi put his hand down,and turned his head.

"Yes."he replied.

"It should weaken her concentration,and by the time we get there,it won't be much of a fight to get her."Itachi explained.

Pain only starred,he was thinking about Orochimaru and how he was going to react when they both come with Rin.

"If he doesn't grant freedom,then we keep her."Itachi said.he knew what Pain was thinking about.but Itachis intention was to kill her not keep her.

"Your still under control with his reanimation."Pain said.

"Your under Orochimarus control to..Nagato passed his manipulation on you to him."Itachi said back.

"If he doesn't grant the both of us freedom,I'll put Rin in a genjutsu,and make her kill him.then we'll dispose of her."he explained.

Pain nodded,it was a good plan.this was a crucial time for him and he wanted to finish Nagatos dream,and he would make it happen no matter what.

Itachi grasped his chest where his heart was at as a strike of pain suddenly hit it.

Pain narrowed his eyes as he put his other hand over his mouth,blood seeped out in between his fingers as he coughed.

Hemoptysis?!Pain thought.

This was an illness only known to the Uchiha clan.when one uses the mangekyo sharingan to its limit,and doesn't replace there eyes with a relative or someone blood related,they'll get sick and go blind.

"Your sick."Pain said.

"It's nothing."Itachi replied.

But he was sick..he was nearly blind,but that didn't stop him from his plan.he was a talented shinobi,he could always repair his eyes,and it would be with Rins.

"Let's keep going."he said walking north,it won't be long till they arrive where Rins at.

Back in the hideout,Madara was watching Sasuke practice his fireball technique.he had shown him how to enlarge his flame for more damage.

His genjutsu wasn't everything,not like Rins.she had potential in every art of ninjitsu,genjutsu,and taijutsu.

All he had to do was motivate her and push her to her best.its all about the way he presented himself around her.if he would act as she desired then maybe she would succeed in her training quicker.


Madara and Sasukes head instantly turned to the sound of Rins scream.

Madaras eyes narrowed and his fists clenched as he took off running to his room.

Rins P.O.V.
I screamed as I sat up instantly.

Im scared!I was terrified about what I just saw!


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