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"T-the n-nine tails..."I whispered,as my hand fell from Madaras face.

This was enough for me to be frightened,even with Madara here.this thing was a demon!a killer!

Madara turned his head looking in the same place I was.i watched as he transformed.the red chakra bubbling around him.this was crazy!Pain planned on taking the jinchuriki!who was that guy?!There were bones forming!

As he took form into the fox,he got on all fours.any sign that he was a human was now gone.

"We have to get out of here-"I started to say but a violent roar cut me off.

"We have to get out of here-"I started to say but a violent roar cut me off

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I gasped as I quickly backed away,scooting harshly on the floor.

I cringed,my wounds weren't all healed yet!

"You seem to be frightened by this beast."Madara said standing up.

I looked up at him,what does he mean?of course I'm afraid!who wouldn't be!i looked back to the the fox and then to him.don't tell me...

That even he can defeat a something like the nine tails?

"The tailed beasts are nearly pets."he said watching the fox attack Pain.

H-he was no ordinary man...

"Madara..."i whispered.

"You don't know me that well Rin."he said and turned his body to me.

I starred at him,he must be some god!like the first hokage,Hashirama..the legendary god of shinobi,but my mind was quickly changed.

"Come should be able to stand now."he said.

I really had nothing to fear.i gently picked myself up,standing to my feet,the pain was slightly there but not as horrible as it still would affect my speed of walking.

I held my stomach and ribs with my arm,this was going to be a long escape..

Madara was by side in an instant,"I never said anything about walking."he told me with authority.

He picked me up once again,but before he could leave I looked over his shoulder.

The nine tails...what was it doing!it was creating some type of jutsu!

what was it doing!it was creating some type of jutsu!

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