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"Good."he said.

I half smiled and nodded,this won't be a problem to me.

"When will I-"I started to say but he cut me off.

"After I attack the hidden sand village.the leafs only ally will be destroyed.thats when you will strike"he said.

It all made sense to me.this is why he wanted to attack the sand was a genius idea.but I wouldn't mind knowing his goal in all this.i remember he had told me he was connected to the leaf,what was his reasoning?

Well,it doesn't matter.i'd support anything he wanted.

"I'm going to perform a jutsu on you."he said pulling his hands away from mine.

"A jutsu?"I questioned.

" that will allow me to track you every move,and if necessary to do what Obito did before,while you were in custody of the leaf."he said.

He really meant it.i thought.Madara wanted to know where I was at all times,but it wasn't really logical to me,since I'm always by his side.he even wanted to do what Obito had done,which was to get inside my body meant that he could potentially control me.

I took a deep breath as I nodded slowly,if that's what he wanted..

"Alright."I muttered.

He walked over to an area that had more ground room,I nervously watched him,"lie down here."

My heart had slipped a beat,h-he-

I felt my face turning red,and my palms began to sweat,he wants me to lie down?!I swallowed the lump in my throat as I shakily went over to him.i wonder what kind of justu it was.

Madara sat down,just as I knelt.we were both facing each other,i can't be the only one feeling this heat...

Damn it Rin!stop thinking that way!i slightly shook my head as I slowly lied down on my back.i don't remember doing this before when I was placed in the leaf village..but then again I was unconscious.

Madaras hand moved and was faced to the right.his left hand made a sign with two fingers pointing directly at me.

I could stay conscious during this.i thought as he now pointed to my arm.

"Ninja art:shadow of deliberate position jutsu."

By the words he said I knew this was a forbidden ninja would ever know this,he must've read the scroll of seals when was in the hidden village.

"Ninja art:inner preserve,dominance jutsu."

Another one!i thought.he must've defiantly seen what we're in those scrolls.i only know this since Kabuto had seen them and told me about it a long time ago.

His left hand began to move slowly,I couldn't tell what he was doing,he traced up to my shoulder and across my collar bone,then to my soon as it was there his hand opened up,his palm facing me.

as soon as it was there his hand opened up,his palm facing me

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