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Rin's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes,to see a wooden ceiling.Im back on the boat?

I sat up,i was defiantly back in my cabin....I rubbed my eyes,i must've fallen asleep in the garden.

I blushed,i had the best time there,the garden was so beautiful!i moved to the edge of the bed and gasped when i saw my bouquet of flowers on the small table.

He took them?I thought he would've left them at the garden.i smiled and fell back on the bed.Izuna was right..he truly is a nice-

I caught a glimpse of my reflection from the window.

Huh?When did i??

One side of my hair had a white flower placed in it,did Madara do this??


I yelped when i heard the door open.Oh it was Izuna,that scared me,"Easy."he said.

"Sorry,you just caught me off guard."I said.

"My bad,but it is time to eat."he said.bringing me food.

"Thanks,im starving!"I said eagerly.going to the table,i sat down as Izuna did.he placed two small boxes on the table.he gave me one and he had the other.

I opened it.

"Thanks for the food."I said grabbing my chopsticks.Izuna smiled and began eating.I looked at my ramen,it was one of my favorite foods.i began to eat as well.

"So.."Izuna said swallowing.I looked up at him.

"My brother and the garden?"He said smirking.

I stopped chewing.

H-how does he know?!

I swallowed and nervously laughed."I dont know what your talking about."I said.

He smiled.

"Sure."he said,hinting at the delicate looking flower in my hair,he took another bite.i smiled as I gently brought my hand up to it.


"Keep your aim straight."Madara said.

I frowned as i lifted my arm and threw the kunai,bending it as far i could.It didn't hit the target, instead it hit the wrong tree.

Damn it!

I sighed."I can't do it..."I said crossing my arms.I really dont know why he dragged me all the way out here to throw a kunai,i mean i already know how to do it,but I just can't do it like he can.

"Try again."he said.

"But i-"I started to say but he cut me off.

"Now."He said giving me a chilling glare.his sharingan always frightened me.anyone could tell that he possessed a great amount of power.I swallowed.

"Fine but it's pointless."I muttered to myself.

*hours later*
It was nightfall,and i had only managed to progress a little.

I sighed sitting down.

Madara was standing under a tree watching me all this time.But it actually got me thinking...why all of a sudden is he training me.but then I mentally face palmed myself.I forgot about the attack were suppose to give to the land of wind.

Just then a i saw a figure from the corner of my eye.


I looked up as he walked passed me to Madara.I caught sight of his back..

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