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"Lets try to walk."Obito said helping me sit up.

I cringed when i was finally sitting up,ive been laying in bed for a week now.

Mostly crying and trying to recover,i would see Madara passing through here alot.but Obito stayed by my side all the time,and i have no idea why 4 of the akuatski members we're here.

"Does it hurt to much?"Obito asked putting a hand on my shoulder.

I looked at him giving him a small smile,"just a little."

My voice was still all kinds of weak,"I'll call Zetsu-"he started to say but i cut him off.

"NO!"i yelled frantically.

He looked at me with a worried expression.but i really didn't want Zetsu anywhere near me.i didn't like him one bit after what kind of procedure he pulled.

"It doesn't hurt that bad.."i added.

He starred at me and took a step backwards and stood in front of me.

"Look,Rin..i want to talk to you about something."he said,arms crossed.

I made eye contact with him,he seemed serious and concerned.

"You've been crying for the past week,why?"he asked.

I froze.

I really didn't want to say anything about this..

I smiled."What do you mean?i don't cry?"i said softly.

He wasn't convinced at all,"I asked you a question,and i expect an answer."he said.

My smile faded and i looked down to my lap.damn it!why did he want to know..well he is my sensei.

"It's becuase.."i said and closed my eyes.

I gripped my pants and shook slightly,im so pathetic..

"Itachi..said,im an Uchiha that no one wants around!they only want to use me for a one see's me as a p-person."i choked at the end.

I cried as his voice echoed in my head,everyone i know just uses me..

It was quiet for a while, Obito just starred at me.i felt so hurt,so betrayed.i should just-

"If no one cared about you,you wouldn't be alive."Obito said.

I stopped sobbing,and starred at my lap with my mouth slightly open.

"I wouldn't have brought you back here if i didn't care."he said.

"I can't speak for Madara,you'd have to ask him yourself.but as for me,i already told you what i thought of you."he added.

My saddness began to slip away.

I sniffed and wiped my tears with my hand.

"You mean it,Obito?"i whispered looking up at him.

He half smiled and nodded,i returned it.he reassured me once he said that.

No one's P.O.V
Madara stood behind the corner and listened to what Rin said to Obito.

Madara didn't want to interfere with her recovery,but his thoughts of what Itachi said to her never left his mind,he only wished he was still alive so he could kill him himself.

Rin's P.O.V
"So that's what happened with Itachi."i explained to Obito.

Madara was next to him,"Demonstrate your jutsu."he ordered.

I saddened but obeyed,I picked up my immediatly turned red and blood streams floated around it.

Madara's eyes narrowed as he came closer to me.I sucked in a breath,as he grabbed my upper arm bringing my hand closer to him.

I trembled slightly when we made eye contact.

"Obito,we're moving out now."he said letting my arm go.

"Where to?"he asked.

"The hidden leaf village."he replied.

My eyes widened,i knew all my old memories would come back!

"No!anywhere but there!"I said standing up and grabbing his arm.

Madara turned and looked at me.

"Im not going to repeat myself,take what you need and lets go!"he said.

I frowned as he removed my hand and walked away.

"Madara wait!"I called after him and took a step foward,but Obito grabbed my arm pulling me back next to him.

"Don't Rin..just do what he says.."he said to me.

"But sensei-"i started to say but he shook his head at me.

I crossed my arms as the akuatski members who's names i think were Sasori,Hidan,Deidara,zetzu,and Kakuzu.

"Im waiting.."he said to me.

I sighed,walking next to my bed and picking up a small satchel.

"I don't understand why Madara has to be all closed off!he can't even consider how i feel."i began to complain as i put in an extra longsleeve,shuriken and kunai in the bag.

"For someone to be in love with him,you sure do complain alot about him."he said.

I gasped looking at him,i felt my cheeks burn up.

"I-im not in love with him!"i said lying.

I knew Obito wasn't convinced at all since he got a small smile and narrowed his eyes at me.

"I know my student pretty well,and besides your face is red and flustered."he said walking past me and weaved hand signs.


Obito was know wearing an akuatski cloak with that orange mask.

"Hmph."i replied.

I heard him lightly laugh,"C'mon there waiting for us."he said.

I smiled,nodding i caught up next to him.

We we're traveling by foot,of course i was still in the process of recovering but Obito had told me if i got to tired he would carry me till we set up camp.

Although Madara was moody,i obviously had to walk by his side this whole time.

But i made sure to throw some sort of attitude back.

I cleared my throat and closed me eyes,"So...why the land of fire."i asked.

No answer.

I opened my eyes and frowned.

"All you need to do is stay by my side,you don't need to know anything else."he replied.

I blushed looking to my right,my inner self was hysterically squealing and jumping around.damn it!why does he have this affect on me.

"Well in the meantime,we could always talk."i said.

"No."he simply said.

"So you'd rather just walk in silence?"i questioned.

I rolled my eyes,"It's really not that hard to hold a,my favorite food are sweet-"i started to say but he covered my mouth.

"Obito."Madara said in a quiet tone,just then Obito was in front of me in battle stance.


Madara removed his hand and stayed completely still,even the members were in stance.

I held onto Madara's arm,even i began to feel a presence of chakra.

It was quiet,now hearing the signs of footsteps i swallowed and waited.

My eyes widened.


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