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Madara looked at me with a glare I couldn't was anger and worry..maybe something more.

His eyes looked at my body up and down.

"I-"I started to say but he cut me off.

"No..."he said.

I looked at him as he cut the two ropes that held my wrists up.

"Don't speak now..focus on healing yourself."he said grabbing my arm and putting it around him.

Madara helped me walk to a more open area,and gently set me down on the floor.i starred at him as he did.

He..he came back for me..I wanted to cry but then also wanted to hug him.i thought he had abandoned me.

He closed his eyes and held up a sign.

"Summoning jutsu."he said and placed his hand on the floor.

"he said and placed his hand on the floor

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Suddenly Obito appeared in the circled-gram summoning.i blinked as tears welled up in my eyes.he took more hits from Ibiki then I did...he was holding his abdomen and was shaking just a bit.

He needed healing more then I did...

I rolled on my stomach and cringed in pain,damn it!that hurts!

"Stay away!"Obito spat and looked at me.

Even though his eye was narrowed and angry,I still didn't care,this was something I had to do.i couldn't let Obito suffer.i didn't care if that was his part of the mission.

I moved my arm and pulled myself towards Obito.even if he doesn't want to be healed,I must do this.

I stopped when I felt a gloved hand on my back.

"Rin.."Madara said in a low tone.i felt tears falling when I watched Obito,he was in so much was visible to me and him.

"...p-please let me do this.."I whispered.

He wasn't convinced."How are you going to kill D-Danzo with him in this state."I pleaded.

"I'll manage."Obito said.

He wouldn't be able to..not with those wounds.he would be in to much pain to even stand up straight.i can't even crawl without me trying to scream.

I felt Madaras arms turn me to my back,"she's right."he said to Obito.

"Damn it!Madara you gave your orders!don't let her go against your word again!"he spat.

Even though your wearing a mask Obito,I know your in a lot of pain..I thought.

Madara picked me up and carried me to him.

"If she uses to much chakra!-"he started to say but Madara cut him off.

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