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"You think you can take me down."Madara said looking back to me once he stopped laughing.

I instantly looked at him and shook my head,"no,no!that was just a joke."I said nervously as I took a step back.

The last thing I wanted to do was get in a fight with him.

He half smiled and turned back to the view.i took a deep breath.

The breeze swept past us,carrying drifting leaves.i wondered why he came up here in the first place.maybe he wanted to be alone,but I changed that just now.

I squeezed my own hand as I thought about asking him personal questions.if I was going to then this was going to be the time.

"What do you think"I asked.

I bit my bottom lip.hopefully he answers me.but I'd completely understand if he wouldn't.

"Love?"he questioned mostly to himself.

I nodded,and looked away from him.i wonder what his response would be-

"There's no need for love."he said.

I stayed need for it?i thought.i frowned as seconds past.he was wrong.

"There is a need for it."i said.

"Everyone needs love to live."i said more calmly as I crossed my arms.

"Without it,everything would be meaningless,and life would be would hold no value."

" value..dull.."Madara said repeating my words.

"Everyone thinks love is a need,but in reality it's a desire."

"There's no reason to love,or to be loved by anyone."he said.

Hearing those words leave his heart began to ache.i looked down to my feet.i wasn't expecting that..answer..

"Your wrong.."I whispered to myself,knowing he wouldn't hear me.

That wasn't true.i loved him..more then anything.i swallowed the lump in my throat.his words echoed inside my head.he didn't love anyone.

I love you.

I love you!

I love you!

I kept saying it over and over in my mind.but they refused to leave my mouth.i couldn't say it.not after he said that.

I'm so pathetic!i can't even say three words to him.the ones I wanted to say the most!

"Well."i said as I cleared my throat and put on a fake smile as I looked back to him.

"I'm going to head back before it gets dark."I added as I began to walk away almost immediately after I had said that.

I held my own hand to comfort myself.

You really don't love me you Madara..I thought.

The man I love...

Doesn't love me..

What was I expecting,someone like him could never love someone like weak and pathetic.theres no way I...

This wasn't like me at all.

I can't give up on him.

Madara is to important to me.i can't just let him go.he's the one I want...the one I need.

Taking a deep breath,I turned my head looking back to him.he stood in the same spot.overlooking the outstretching land.

I smiled at the sight of him.

"I love you..."I whispered to myself.

I wish I had the courage to actually tell him.but I'm to afraid to..the rejection,and the isolation that'll happen between us.that would happen if he didn't feel the same way.

It wasn't fair.why did I have to feel this way.why can't I have the confidence,like any other woman would have.

Well,Madara wasn't an ordinary man after all.

I began walking down the hill.this was nothing I couldn't handle.if it's for something I love or someone,then I would never give up.

I placed my hand over my heart.there was no need for it to feel pain.Madara never said it was impossible for him to love.

Even though today was partly sad,I still got the chance to see him smile and laugh.

Those moments were engraved in my memory.

As many others were.thats all I would think was impossible not to.he was a good person.

Just like Izuna said he would be.


Izuna wouldn't want me to keep quiet about this..neither did Obito.

I just need to try harder...

Nodding to myself,I looked up to the sky.

"What do you think i should do,Izuna?"I asked.

I sighed and looked back down.i needed guidance from someone experienced.

There wasn't anyone I knew,or even here.

Sasori and the rest of those guys are all out..Obito and Sasuke..I doubt they would know anything,plus they aren't even here.

I lifted my hand,tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Looks like I'm on my own with this one."I said to myself.

Nothing had changed on that part.i always had to do things independently.but,even so i was used to it.i closed my eyes and began to laugh to myself.

I somehow found it funny.

A minute ago,I was heartbroken.but it's like my heart wouldn't allow Madaras words.

I could never accept them.


I wonder why he was like that?i knew he loved Izuna with everything he only proved he was capable to love.that was enough to give me hope.that and my undying determination.

Even if Madara had a hard time accepting me,then I would make it as easy as possible for him.i didn't know why he didn't feel the same way I did.

His touch always made me feel was everything I could ever want.

Sometimes I wonder why he would respond to my gestures.when I had woken up,it almost felt as if he missed me just as much as I did him.but then again,that could just be in my head.

I couldn't really trust myself when it came to him.i would get the wrong idea somehow.or do something that makes me seem desperate.

I frowned.

What am I thinking..I know I'm desperate.only for him.i just want to be by his side,and acknowledged...maybe one day..

He would never think of me like that.

No one would want Uchiha who didn't look like one of there own.not with this hair at least.i thought as I picked up a strand.

I cringed as I let it go.

I took a deep breath.I just have to believe in myself.I could do this...

It'll get better..right?

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