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——4 days later——-
I stumbled upon the gates of the stone village.I was bruised up from the journey.i only took 2 hour breaks each day.

I was panting as i collapsed on my knees,"made it..."i whispered.i think i pushed myself to much..I took a deep breath and looked up it was just stone towers and houses.i need to catch my breath..

I coughed a bit and stood up on my feet

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I coughed a bit and stood up on my i go..I stepped through the gates,i had to get my backround check to the tsuchikages office.but I barley have strength..come on Rin!i thought as I got up.i felt my knees shaking violently.

Damn it.i thought.

After i gave my form in,i was given a key to my apartment,i had to drag myself all the way over and to the building.

Once i was at my entrance,i unlocked it and opened the door,i stepped in,"I made it."i whispered.

My eyes began to shut and i fell foward

As soon as i hit the ground,everything went black.

---next day
I slowly opened my eyes.all i saw was the ground,"wha-.."i mumbled,my whole body was sore.i blinked a couple of times before i picked up my upper body.Is this my apartment?

I looked up and saw it from the grounds angle.

"Not bad.."I muttered as I slowly picked myself up.

"I need a bath..."I said standing up,i was aware that due to the exhaustion,i was gonna be out all yesterday.

I went into my bedroom and stripped,then walked into my bathroom.
---------2 days later
My training never stopped,if anything it just got harder.and to make matters worse,i haven't seen Kabuto in forever,but he did send me a messenger hawk,which said he would be coming either today or tomorrow.

I grabbed my kunai's and orginized them around the house.

Besides training i have been doing alot of house
cleaning and a bunch of orginizing.

"Last one."I said looking at the box.

I bent down picking it up and carrying it to the living room,i have no idea where to put this...i shrugged and placed it on the table.

Maybe i should go out and train..It's been a while already.

I nodded,thats what I'll do.i thought walking into my room and dressing into my black outfit

Once i put a few kunais in my pouch and grabbed an apple i left.

I jumped from rooftop to rooftop,waving at the few elderly people.i made a few acquaintances here.everyone was nice just like the villagers in the hidden cloud.

I smiled and made my way to my new training spot.

Of course it has to have a source of water,since i didnt want to set everything on fire with my jutsus.I hopped down from the tree and onto the rocks that surfaced the river.

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