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i didn't want to open my eyes.i already knew where I was.i felt the weight of chains around my wrists,and what's worse was I felt the blindfold that was tightly put on my head.

I was in a sitting position,to wrap up my situation,I indicated that I was in the villages dungeon.damn!i was upset and angry and sad all at once.i didn't know what to do,or how to feel.this was all to overwhelming!i should just let them execute me..I shouldn't even try to escape.

I'm trying hard to hold my emotions back,I won't let them show.i thought,even if they execute me.i have to be prepared for death...

*Everything's fine Rin,get your composure together.*

My eyes widened.

What the hell!i wasn't thinking that!!!am I going crazy!!i know for sure that wasn't my own thought!

*Its Obito,I'm inside your mind.*

His voice echoed in my head.i blinked multiple times,what the hell was going on?!

"O-Obi-to."I said in a choked up tone.

*Quiet,just listen to me.pretty soon there going to interrogate you and try methods of torture.-*

My heart rate accelerated and my hands were into fists,fear took over me.They were going to torture me!what are they going to do!

*calm down...Rin!,I could feel what your feeling.theres no need to won't feel any pain.*

I swallowed,what do you mean?i said in my head.

*Just like we're communicating telepathically,I'm going to connect your nerves with mine.*

But that means you'll be taking all the pain.i thought.

*Yes,it's my mission to do so.*

No!i can't let you do that.i replied.

*You don't have a choice.*

My tears welled up in my eyes,why did it have to be this way...

What about Madara!why did he send me here!

*Its an assassination mission to kill Danzo.he also took precautions to make sure you don't feel any pain,and he's going to be angry that you put up a fight with Kakashi,you were suppose to go willingly with the leaf shinobi.*

I thought he had killed off Danzo?i thought.

*Itachi reanimated him...*he replied.

Of course he would,he has to make everything harder for everyone.

But I also felt relief,I thought Madara had abandoned me!So there still might be a chance that he loves me..

*Try and keep your emotions in.i can hear your thoughts*

I blushed.

—Five hours later—
I heard a various amount of fast pacing footsteps,i was still scared.all I had to do was trust Obito...

"Careful,we don't know the full extent of her power."a deep voice said as the sound of the medal locked being turned was heard.

I swallowed as my fists clenched.I'm nervous..what were they gonna do to me.

*Remember,you won't feel a thing.*Obito said in my head.just then my arm was grabbed and I was pulled up.

"Summon the hokage,Ibiki and Inoichi."one of the voices said.i was being dragged roughly.the grip one of the guy had on my arm was hurting.

I felt myself slightly shaking,there bringing in Ibiki...that man had no mercy when it came to getting information.but since Obitos in my head Inoichi can't use his mind transfer jutsu against me,it was useless.

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