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No ones P.O.V.
Rins eyes were wide from the sight before her.

With her fists slightly shaking,and sweat brimming her brow,she remained in utter shock.

Thousands of shinobi all stood there.along with two of the kage.

They were ready all this time?in only three days?!they managed to do this.

"You can't do this on your own!"she said.Madara didn't respond.he stood there with his arms crossed,and stared at all the ninja below him.

"Rin,leave him be."Obito said.

How can he say that!,there headbands all read allied shinobi force!they were prepared this whole time!how could we miss this!everything was planned out!she thought looking back at the ninja.she didn't know what to do.

"Madara..-"she started to say but was cut off.

"If it'll make you feel any better."

"I'll be done in five minutes."Madara said as his arms went to his side.

F-five minutes?

He gave me a small smile,but she didn't return it with one of her own.Rin was to worried and scared.the shinobi covered almost the entire north side of the desert.

Madara then turned around once again,and jumped off the large rock they stood on.

Rin hurriedly went to the near edge and kept her sight on him.if any sign of real danger came,she wouldn't hesitate to join him.

There was no way he could do this.they were severely out numbered.there must be thousands of ninja.

Madara took one step."i should help him-"she started to say but stopped once she caught the reaction of a few shinobi.

"i should help him-"she started to say but stopped once she caught the reaction of a few shinobi

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"If you only knew."Obito muttered as he crossed his arms and watched as Madara slowly accelerated.

"Here he comes."Naruto said.

"Do not look directly into his eyes!"the Tsuchikage warned as Madara began to run.

Rin gripped her fists as both he and the shinobi force both began running to each other.

Her worries continued to grow as the shinobi began to shout as they ran.but he did so with an expressionless face,almost as if this was nothing.

Once he was in reach he passed through with so much force that some were sent flying.

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