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Rins P.O.V.
Sasuke held his blade tightly,and with his other arm held out.

What was going on!

"I knew it."Sasuke muttered.


"What are you talking ab.."I trailed off once I saw what was in Izunas hands.

A kunai?I looked back up to him.

He stood there,with a blank expression.

He was going to try and kill me?

Suddenly,he jumped back.pulling out a scroll he unraveled it in midair,he now had a sword of his own.

"Get back."Sasuke commanded.

In a second both of there swords clashed.

In a second both of there swords clashed

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"Wait!"I called out.this can't be happening!what was going on with him!its like Izuna wasn't himself anymore!

Hold on.

It must be the casters doing!Izuna would never do this.if we can figure out where this person is,we could stop this.maybe even bring back Izuna for real.

"Stop!"I yelled as I ran towards them.

Izuna moved in a choreographed way.he was quick,and slashed his sword with precision.

He then knocked Sasuke back veraciously.he flew past me and slammed into a nearby boulder,breaking it in half.then fell upon the ground.

"Sasuke!"I yelled skidding to a stop,and then taking off towards him.

He was out in one hit!

If Izuna was my opponent,then theres no doubt this would be difficult.

He was Madaras brother after all,and seeing what he did to the shinobi alliance..Izuna could kill me in a instant.

I gasped when he was in front of me,this time his blade was flying towards me,and his mangekyo sharingan was shown.

I gasped when he was in front of me,this time his blade was flying towards me,and his mangekyo sharingan was shown

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I raised my hand.

As his sword pierced into it,I took a hold onto his blade.

"Izuna!stop this!"

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