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A day full of defeat,i lost every fight.

Not to mention Madara was watching it all.he saw me fail more then once,and not only in combat but in genjutsu to.

I just need to train more,no meditation and training!

I sighed as i sat up in my tent.I also found this odd,why didn't we go back to the boat?i guess this is where were settling for now.

Also you would think that i would get my own space,but i didn't.I had to share it with Madara.I didn't really have much to complain about,but what if i needed to change or..

I blushed.

He still hasn't come in the tent yet.he personally told me to go in and get some rest.

I crawled to the entrance of it and peeked out through the small slit.

Madara,Obito,Izuna and Pain were all surrounding a table with a map spread onto it.I sighed as i backed away,i could use this chance to train some more.

Im sure Obito wouldn't mind..I know Madara told me to come in here and rest but im sure he wouldn't be against the idea of me practicing more.

I stood up and silently slipped out of the tent,I made sure no one saw me and once i was out of sight i ran into the forest.

The training ground isn't far from here..

Once i was there i enhanced the chakra in the soles of my feet and ran up a tree.I climbed till i was at the top and stood on the highest branch.

Alright Rin..concentrate on your chakra i thought making the hand sign of the ram.

I closed my eyes.this particular way of meditating always seemed to work for me the best.feeling the flow of it made it easier to control.I stayed in this state of mind for a minute.

I felt power surging,yes!but i have to wait.Obito told me the more i store chakra the more powerful the attack will be.

For the Uchiha's i was a special case,no one really knew how to train me except for my dad was always out on missions and couldn't teach me as much as my mom did.

Okay,remember what my sensei the chakra and control it..then....

I waited a few seconds pulling in more chakra from my spiritual side.

Unleash it.i jumped up,I picked my leg up all the way to my head.I timed it just right,when i was close enough to the ground i slammed my leg onto it.

The ground cracked and was destroyed instantly.

I landed in the center of it,the loud commotion made me wince.

Maybe i shouldve done a quieter jutsu..

I gasped when i saw the once grassy plain was now a destroyed landscape,trees and rocks were fallen over.

I did this?!

I looked at my hands and smiled,I did this!!i could only make a certain radius before but this is huge!the whole training ground is destroyed.

"Ha!Izuna will definatly fall next time we spare.he wont stand a chance!"I said.

I laughed to myself and made more hand signs,alright!time for another jutsu

"Earthsytle-"I started to say but i stopped once i heard a voice.


I froze when i heard Obito.

Oh no..

I turned around,he was approching me.I nervously laughed.

"H-hey sensei."I said as he got closer to me.

Obito stepped in front of me.

He looked around,seeing what i did to the training grounds.But he looked back at me,the same angered expression on his face.

"I can explain-"I started to say but he cut me off.

"Your suppose to be resting."he said slightly raising his voice.i didn't know Obito would get this mad.

"I-i know but.."I whispered.

"Even i gave you specific instructions to do so,and Madara told you the same."He scolded.

"Im sorry."I said.

Obito sighed putting a hand on his forehead.

"Rin."he said.

I looked at him,"Your training is extremely dangerous for you to do by yourself."he explained.

"I understand,im sorry sensei..i wont do it again."I replied.

"Right."he said grabbing my arm and began to drag me back to the campsite.

"Wait!"I said.

He didn't.

I half smiled he wouldn't have got so mad at me if he didn't care.but this shows me he does.

When we were back at the site,Obito had finally let go of me.but he saw it necessary to also walk me to the tent I was staying in.

"Rin."he said.

"Yes?"I replied.

He starred at me with a straight he going to lecture me again?

"I have certain rules for a reason,if you don't follow those rules then your going to have to suffer the consequences."he said.

I swallowed.


I quickly nodded.

"Of course sensei!I understand."I said bowing my head.

I looked back up to him,he gave me a small smile.

"Get some rest,Rin."he said.

I smiled back and nodded."Goodnight."i said.

He turned and walked away.I took a deep breath,that was scary.

I saw Madara once i was in.he was sitting down overlooking a scroll,that read forbidden jutsu on the cover.

Woah..I've never seen a scroll like that before.i shook my head as I took a deep breath,"Hey."I said sitting in front of him.

Madara looked at me,making me grip my knees in fear.

"Do i need to restrain you again?"he asked.

"No!"i yelled almsot immediatly after he said that.

"I you don't,i just thought i could get more training in."I said.

Madara closed the scroll,and made a sign,making it vanish.

"Don't don't do it again."he said firmly and stood up walking to his futon.

I frowned and went to mine.he put out the candle making it dark in the tent.

I blushed,there wasn't alot of room in here...and were close to each other.

I heard his footsteps close by,then the sound of him. laying down,I could barley make out the shape of his body.

I laid on my side,covering myself with the blanket.

I closed my eyes.
—hours later—
I couldn't sleep at all!i was freezing!

I knew the nights were cold but we were entering a new month.I shivered gripping the thin nose was ice cold as with the rest of my body.

I looked over at Madara who seemed to be sleeping just fine..

I tried rubbing my hands together but that didn't seem to work either. cold.

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