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(Filler chptr<3)

—One year later—
Maru was at his brothers residence,and he felt envy.but as the leader of his clan he chose to ignore that dangerous he focused on other things...

"You should try and convince Reo to come out once in a while.."Fugaku said.

Maru gave him a fake smile,"Yea.."he simply said.

"We mean it Maru,I rarely see her anymore."Mikoto said turning her attention to him.

"Mikoto said turning her attention to him

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Maru didn't want to talk about this.but he had no usual.

"I'll try."he said.

"On the other hand,missions are increasing lately.and the hokage has given us special orders to complete it.this time you and me are going.we won't have a squad."he explained.

"The rank?"Maru asked.

"S-rank."he replied.

He nodded,he wasn't sure if he could leave Reo on her own just yet.

He clenched his fists.

I swear'll be happy again...he thought.

He froze when he heard the sound of a baby laugh,he felt a small hand stroking his arm.

He looked next to him.

He smiled,and reached over gently patting his head

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He smiled,and reached over gently patting his head.since when could he crawl?he thought.I wonder if Sasuke would get along with Rin.

His heart filled with love and warmth just thinking about his daughter..

His heart filled with love and warmth just thinking about his daughter

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