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-Next day-

(This chapter contains suicidal thoughts and self harm scenes if you are easily triggered or sensitive to the topic please skip the chapter)

After hours and hours of crying,i finally had enough energy to get up.

I walked out of my room and went down the stairs..I was thirsty,i hadn't eaten or had a drink since yesterday.

Madara,Obito and me were staying in a small house for now.

They both were here and resting.

I went to the sink and grabbed a glass cup.I filled it with water...then i just...starred at it.

There had been various thoughts crossing my brain..suicidal thoughts.

I set the cup down and as i did my sleeve went up a little showing the five cuts i did on my wrist,it was painful..but it was my way of coping.

I pulled down my sleeves and placed my arms by my side and starred at the cup.suddenly i wasn't thirsty.

I looked up,starring out of the small window on top of the sink,all it ever did in this land was never was sunny here.

"If you follow my simple steps,you'll be able to do this firestyle jutsu in no time!"Izuna said.

"That's impossible!"I whined and sat down on the floor.

"Fine,Ill demonstrate."Izuna said and weilded hand signs.

"Firestyle:Demolisher flames jutsu!"he yelled and placed a sign to his mouth and exhaled.

My eyes widened when a big balls of flames erupted and bursted in front of him,I slowly stood to my feet and smiled.

"That was awesome Izuna!!!"i yelled.

He smiled looking back at me.

"I told you."he bragged and grabbed my hand pulling me next to him.

"Now you try!I know you can do it!"he said,smiling and giving me a thumbs up.
*Flashback over*
I starred at the raindrops that continuously hit the window.

Feeling hot streams of tears run down my face once again.

Izuna always believed in me even when i took so long to master a simple jutsu

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Izuna always believed in me even when i took so long to master a simple jutsu.

I think i...

I think i need to cope once more.i thought.
I was lying in bed when a knock was heard.

That must be Obito...

I didn't say anything,i only wiped my tears before he came in.

Hearing the door open and footsteps,i tried blinking multiple times so it seemed that i wasn't crying.

"Rin."he said.

I swallowed the big lump in my throat,"Yes sensei.."i whispered.

"There ready."he said.

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