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Sakura ran as quick as she could.she carried an important scroll in her hand.

One that contained all the tailed beasts.

She saw everything happen before her eyes.Hiruzen and alot of other shinobi were fighting off a gigantic figure made of wood,but then suddenly tailed beasts spawned out of nowhere in the area.

Sakura was looking for any possible outcome to this.but she found none.she didn't know what was going on.

But Hiruzen sealed all eight beasts in the scroll and ordered her to take them to Naruto.

He believed they would be useful,since Naruto befriended them all.

"Hey!Naruto!"Sakura called out.

Her eyes slightly widened.what happened here?she thought as she passed a gigantic tree.

Naruto turned around,huh?Sakura?

As she approached him she took a moment to catch her breath.

"Here,Lord third sent me to give you the rest of the tailed beasts."she said handing him the scroll.

"Tailed beasts?!where did you get them?"he asked.

"I dont know all the details yet,but they all just appeared put of nowhere..and Hiruzen updated them on the situation.and they've agreed to help you."she explained.

Naruto nodded,"right."he replied.

Sakura looked at him confused as he took the scroll.why did he seem down?and his eyes?it looks as if he was crying..

"Stand back Sakura!"Naruto yelled as he unravled the scroll.

I'll use these guys power for now to defeat Madara!he thought as he slammed his hand on the seal.

Sakura jumped meters back,and watched as eight large beasts appeared.

"I need you all to target that guy right there!"Naruto instructed as the beasts looked to where he was pointing.

"got it!"


"Only becuase Gaara is in this fight."



Naruto nodded to their responses,and made a single sign.

He was going to have to release Kurama outside for now..but still keep somewhat of his chakra.

"Why do i have to do this out here."Kurama said as he appeared next to Gyuki.

Naruto ignored his comment.but was annoyed by it.he then raised his hand,"Shukaku,Matatabi,Isobu,Son,Kokuo,Saiken,Chomei,Gyuki,Kurama!"

"Now!"Naruto shouted.

The tailed beasts all opened their mouths,creating a bomb.

The tailed beasts all opened their mouths,creating a bomb

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