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Rins P.O.V.
I bursted out of the ground behind Pain and kicked him on his back,sending him forward.i quickly turned my body,to kick Itachi but he grabbed my ankle and flung my entire body towards a tree.

I put my arms in front of my head just as I crashed into the hard bark.the tree broke in half as I rolled onto the floor.

Pain and Itachi were in front of me in seconds.

"It's not to late Rin.surrender yourself now."Pain said.

They just won't stop.i thought as I shakily got up,"No."I said getting into battle stance.

"Taking you by force is the only option now."Pain said.

I activated my sharingan,"Even if it means you die!"Itachi yelled and jumped towards me,grabbing the collar of my shirt.

"Killing her isn't part of the plan!"Pain yelled.

Itachi jumped again,this time higher,as we flew through the air,I angrily grabbed his arm and forced my body upwards.I landed on his back.

"Your aren't getting away from me !"he growled and spun throwing me off,I fell down but only to be grabbed by my ankle.damn it!i was beginning to grow frustrated,Itachi had gained more power to.its like he could see my moves before they even happened.but his sharingan wasn't activated yet.

I tried to pick myself up again but it was impossible.i was being held upside down!and he was traveling in the air.he wouldn't let go of me!i even tried kicking with my other foot,but how fast we were going,the force of the air would slow my foot down.suddenly,I realized he was trying to take me somewhere,I looked down,and saw he was heading east.

A stoned wall came into my sight.what?!where was he-

Itachi suddenly let go of my ankle.i angered my glare towards him as I watched him get farther and farther away.

I squinted my eyes when I say a small orange dot,that became larger and larger within each second.what was that-


The fist connected with my body before I had any time to block myself.the force sent me flying down faster,hitting the stone surface and falling right through it.

I landed,instantly making a crater around me.

"D-damn it.."I choked out as I forced myself to get up.he's stronger then before..

Did it matter Rin?you have to kill him!,f-for Sasuke!for the others he's hurt..even if I have to take both him and Pain on.

I stood up just as Itachi came falling in the hole I had made.he landed on both feet.

"You have no idea how long I have waited for this,he said.i took a step back.

"For what?to kill me!"I said angrily taking another.

"Right,you will die when all of this is over."he said.

"You attacked me,Itachi!it wasn't the other way around!you have given me plenty more reasons to kill you..that genjutsu!i know you were the one who casted it on me,and what you did to Sasuke..."I began to choke up when I said his name.

"You've permanently damaged him and me..and I won't let someone get away with hurting the only family I have left!"I yelled and charged straight at him.

I began to weave hand signs,"Firestyle:Phoenix flower jutsu!"I yelled and inhaled then exhaled.the fire spewed from my mouth.

His body moved within a blink of an eye,I quickly turned and his foot kicked my side making me lose balance.i quickly regained it and faced him.

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