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Sasuke stood in the middle of the training grounds as it rained.

Sasuke stood in the middle of the training grounds as it rained

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He gazed off into the forest.he was planning on his battle with Itachi...thinking about the formation and techniques he should use..

I'll kill my brother this time.he thought.i'll avenge my clan in my own way.

Sasuke was angry when he first heard about Itachis death.he couldn't stand the fact that he didn't kill him.that was his purpose in life,he was an avenger.

And to know that he's alive meant that he could kill him.he wouldn't let Rin interfere with there battle,no matter what the cost.

Even if it meant killing her.

This was for his clan.for his parents,this was for him to.he clenched his fist.he'll regret that he did this.Sasuke was going to make him pay for what he had done.for all those long years of pain and suffering.

"I avenged our clan."

Rins voice echoed in his head.he looked down to the ground.

It wasn't her fault,but he didn't realize that...if anything he overlooked it,and saw her as a enemy.

He didn't care about how she felt,but the truth was that they both were deeply scarred by him.Rin knew that they felt the same towards Itachi.but Sasuke was being selfish.

But by now,Sasuke hated Rin more than anything.she nearly defeated him in battle.he wouldn't admit that she was strong.but he had done research on her in Orochimarus hideout.

She possessed great power.


He narrowed his eyes at the sound of Madaras voice.

"What?"he said turning around and facing him.

Madara stood there,he knew exactly what Sasuke was was logical by all means.

"You'll be training under me,for the time being.Obito has set out."he said.

"Fine."Sasuke simply replied,this was perfect.Madara was a god of shinobi and the Uchiha.

Madara didn't care much for Sasuke.he didn't want him here after all,he turned and began to walk away.

Sasuke came and asked to be apart of his team.Madara only agreed because he knew how powerful Sasuke was.

"I don't want Rin training with me."he said.

Madara stopped in his tracks.

He found this amusing,Sasuke didn't want to train with Rin for a reason,"Right.its only natural you feel that way,since she almost killed you during your last battle."Madara said.

Sasuke clenched his fist,"You mean I almost killed her."he said in an angry tone.

Madara let out a small laugh,"A cowards victory."he said,and turned back looking as Sasuke.

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