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"Hey Rin."

Hearing Izuna's voice i slowly opened my eyes.huh?
I looked and saw him.

"Wake up sleepyhead!"he said smiling.

I yawned sitting up."what are you doing here.."I replied to him.

"It's about time.."Obito's voice was heard to,I looked up to see him standing in front of me.

"Sensei?"I said.

He half smiled,"I figured from the amount of chakra you used yesterday,you would be most of the day."he said.

"How long did i sleep for?"I asked standing up and stretching.

Izuna stood also,"Its noon,so for quite some time."he answered.

I sighed.

"Are you ready to train?"Obito asked.

"Yes-"I started to say but i caught the site of them.Madara,Pain,and that woman with the blue hair were discussing something at a distance.

I narrowed my eyes,Pain wanted to kill me..


My attention was back to Obito,since he snapped his fingers.

"Stay focused Rin."he said.

I frowned."Yes sensei."i replied.

"Now,I'd like to discuss what you'll be doing today."he added.

"Izuna."Obito said.


I turned looking at Izuna who now stood next to Obito,"Activate your sharingan."he said.

Izuna did so.

I don't get it?What exactly is Obito sensei trying to get at?

"Now you activate your ketseryugan."Obito ordered.

I did so,Izuna smirked.

"I've never gone up against a ketseryugan user."he said.I gave him a small smile and nodded.

"Now,starting today Izuna is going to be your sparring partner for the rest of your training period."Obito said.


"Sensei!what do you mean!?"I said my eyes returning to there normal state.i thought Izuna was just joking!

"I mean,Izuna will be your opponet."he said sternly.

"But i dont wanna fight Izuna..."I whispered to him.

"Don't worry,ill take it easy on you Rin."he said smirking.

I crossed my arms."i dont need you to take anything easy!"I said.

"My words still stand,Rin get ready."Obito said taking a few steps back.

I sighed and activated my eyes,and got into battle stance.

Izuna did the same.

I swallowed the lump in my throat,i never thought i would be sparring with him and-

Izuna was in front of me in a matter of seconds and raised his fist,connecting with my abdomen.

The force sent me flying back,hitting trees and making them fall over.I managed to land on my feet,I slid to a mouth and eyes were wide open,did Obito say start?

The pain swelled on my stomach.I groaned to myself as I angrily looked at him.

I saw Obito scolding Izuna about how he didn't say begin.I looked to Madara who was now starring at me as long with Pain and that woman.

Looking away,i stood on my feet.

Get ahold of yourself Rin!!I looked at Izuna,anger in my eyes.Oh he'll pay for that!I took off running straight towards him,Obito noticed and quickly stepped away.

Take this Izuna!

I jumped high weilding my hand signs and inhaled.

Firestyle:dragon flame jutsu!

I exhaled.

Izuna's eyes widened as he jumped up,quickly dodging the flames.

"Not bad!"he said as we both landed.

We both narrowed our eyes at each other.I started to formulate a plan,but he gave me no time to think.

Izuna ran to me and i did to him,our forearms clashed together making an x as we starred into each others eyes.this was a battle between kekkei genkai.

I was aware that he knows how to use the sharingan and even the mangekyo.It wasn't a fair fight at all,i just got my stage two Ketsuryugan.

Izuna brought his fists up and began attempting to hit me.

I quickly dodged the blows,i realized he was doing taijutsu,hand to hand combat.i was good at that.I did a back flip making sure i kicked him under his chin.

Which i did,i landed on my feet.

A small stream of blood fell from the side of his mouth.I took the chance and jumped,my leg flying through the air i spun trying to kick his head again.

He blocked it with his arm and i quickly brought the other leg to his face as well.

"Your taijutsu is good to!"he yelled making eye contact with me while i was attacking.

Huh?how can he look at me while blocking my attacks!Izuna grabbed my ankle and slammed me into the ground.

I squeezed my eyes shut as the pain pumped through me,I landed on my stomach.

"But not as good as mine."he said,holding my arm behind my back.

I panted,his weight didnt help at all since he was straddling me.

I heard footsteps,and suddenly Obito's feet was in my veiw.

"You have the stage two Ketsuryugan,but you didn't use it once."Obito said.

I struggled to get out of Izuna's hold but it was useless,"You think to much during the battle,you need to analyze your opponet,understand there jutsu."Obito explained.

Izuna let go and helped me up.

"Yes sensei.."I said discouraged.I suck compared to Izuna..I thought i was good at taijutsu.

Obito sighed.

"Don't let it bring you down Rin."he said.I nodded in response.I shouldn't beat myself up becuase of this.

"Good job!"Izuna said.

I turned and looked at him giving a small smile.

"Now that you know what your up against its time that you use your eyes."Obito said.

"Right!"I replied.

"Watch."he said.

Obito's sharingan activated as long with Izuna's.

I paid close attention as they fought,there eyes were moving and analyzing everything quickly...


Its like they knew what each others moves were gonna be!I smiled,I get it now! that's why it was so easy for Izuna to beat me.

When they clashed and landed,i ran to Obito.

"Sensei i get it now!"I yelled.

I might not have the sharingan yet,but I knew what I had to do for me to use the stage two properly.

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