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Rin's P.O.V.

Light and warmth of the sun hit my skin,it was morning and i hadn't slept at all.

About five minutes later into the sunrise,i felt my upper arm bieng grabbed,"Get up."hearing Itachi's voice,I did what i was told.

When i was standing,he let go of my arm and I stood only hearing the sound of footsteps and the rope bieng untied from the the hell was I going to escape when Itachis around me 24/7..

I had to figure out a way to get out of here.i couldn't stand being near him.

I got pulled and was ordered to start walking,i immediately began to think about my next escape.I was so careless about the first time.I could have handled it better.i should analyze who im dealing with next time I have this blindfold off.

Im dealing with Itachi and Madara...and not to mention other ninja...

But Madara..

I feared him deeply.he was intimidating,the way he looked at me.his strong figure could scare off  anyone.
—hours later—
While i was walking,I felt the open air.the breeze whipping past me...we must be out in an open landscape.

My last attempt,I saw the size of the group.I counted Madara,Itachi,Izuna and seven other shinobi.

I just wondered why they were moving in a group.if i could only find out-

"Madara!"I heard someone yell.

Before he had a chance to say anything,i heard the sound of multiple kunai bieng thrown.

"WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!"I heard Itachi's voice yell,then i was pushed to the ground.I heard clashing of blades and ninja yelling,oh god,im gonna die!

Wait!It's a chance to escape,I rubbed my face against the ground,picking up only one side of the blindfold,and removing the gag off completely.

My one eye that was able to see examined one was holding the rope,I saw Itachi in combat,as well as the others.but I didn't see Madara,or Izuna.

Alright!now's the time.

I quickly got to my feet,and started running away from the fight.damn,running while your restrained was difficult!

Enhancing the chakra to my feet i jumped up into the trees,I should travel up here just to be safe.

"Where do you think your going!"

My eyes instantly activated,and i whipped my whole body around to see Madara.

But why is he up here?!where's the other guy,Izuna?!

I wasn't able to see out of my other eye which meant i had a major disadvantage,i was tied up and could only see halfway.

"Madara!go!"I heard Itachi yell.

We both looked and saw a guy with blonde hair,who wore an akuatski cloak.

"Deidara.."Madara muttered.


In a matter of seconds i was grabbed and was now bieng carried like a child,as we flew through the air.

NO!i was distracted!I just missed my chance at freedom,damn!I struggled,trying to break free of his grip.

"LET ME GO!!"i yelled.

As if I hadn't said anything.he continued to jump from tree to tree.

I tried breaking free of this bondage,but it was no was Madaras doing anyway.

We landed finally,he dropped me on the floor and stood on the edge of a cliff.he must be using his eyes to see what was going on over there.

I quickly took in my surrondings,and began to struggle.if one of these rocks could cut these-what am I thinking!this wasn't regular rope,it was chakra restraint!

I looked at Madara once again.He had his hands together and his eyes were closed.

What is he doing?

He opened his eyes,and glanced at me.

Suddenly,everything went dark.
I opened my eyes,I knew that i had been put in a genjutsu on just how I felt.wait...I can see!i had no blindfold.

But i was tied and gagged.

Where am i?I looked around,Im in some kind of cave,theres barrels everywhere..what is this place?

I now analyzed myself.this time my wrists were tied above me.

I began to squirm around,and looked for an exit,there had to be one around eyes watered due to the frustration.I just wanna leave!


My head perked up and i was angry.hatred pounded through my heart.hearing the steps echo,i activated my eyes and looked up.

The tension grew greater as the sound got louder.then Madara passed in front of me,im ready to-

Madara's eyes met mine.I froze,my heart skipping a beat.

He pierced me with his eyes.his dominating glare was impossible to heart began to beat faster,its like his eyes could kill me instantly with those eyes.i knew that they held great power.

Fear overwhelmed me,and my eyes returned to its natural state,I quickly looked away from him.

I looked at my floor in despair.i needed to find a way out of here,and fast before he moves me.

My eyes averted to Madara who was writing on a was probably a message to the others.I looked away from him and dropped my head down.

Hearing a hawk enter the cave,i paid no attention.But it did answer the question i had asked myself,he was sending a message.

i watched the tear drops hit the ground.what do they want with me?why did my bestfriend do this to me?did I do something wrong to him?

I peeked through my bangs when i heard him walking over to me.

I picked up my head instantly

He reached for my face,my eyes widened,what is he gonna do to me?!i expected pain,but all he did was push the gag down to my hung loose like a necklace.

"You must be confused."he said.

His deep voice echoed through the cave.I narrowed my eyes and said nothing.

"If you don't wish to be hurt,then cooperate."he said.

I swallowed the lump in my throat,what exactly did he want.

"I assume you know why the Uchiha clan was murdered."he said.

I slowly nodded.i only knew becuase of Kabuto who stole the information from Orochimaru,"fortunately for managed to escape."he said and stepped closer to me.

"Tell me where the Chinoike stone tablet is."he said.

Oh no..what do i say?i cant tell him that!then he would be able to do know our forbidden jutsu...ive read it was sacred to my moms clan.

"I-i dont know."I whispered.

Madara raised his hand and slapped me.

I cried out as my face flew to the side due to the force of his hand.

He grabbed my chin,making me look at him.

"That's my second warning,if you don't tell me now-"he started to say but i cut him off.

"Its in Hell Valley."i said as tears fell from my eyes.i didn't want to get beaten by him.i felt the force in his hand when he slapped me,I could tell he was holding back.

He let my face go.

"What village."he questioned.

"The hidden mist.."I replied.

There was a small moment of silence,"Well then..."he said looking at me once again.

He made eye contact,and glanced at me.

Everything went dark.

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