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What the hell was he doing here!

We starred directly at each other.

I heard what I'm assuming is Obitos steps,he took his place next to me.

"We meet again."Sasuke said and smirked.

"Sasuke said and smirked

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I stayed in my position.i placed my hands on my knees as i tried to push away my hard feelings.i looked down and began to calm myself down.its not worth getting in trouble from Madara or Obito.

I took a quiet deep breath and looked back to him.

"W-what is he doing here.."I said to Madara.

"He's become an ally to us and the akuatski."he answered.

I angered and turned to Obito,"I wont accept it."I spat.

"Your going to."Madara instantly said.

"But-"I started to say but he cut me off.

"Quiet!"he yelled.

I was mad.he tried to kill me and Madara just makes him an ally of ours.damn Sasuke!he didn't belong here at all!

I looked to Obito and then began to walk away.i couldn't believe was so stupid!how could he do this!what if he betrays us.

No ones P.O.V.

Obito went after Rin.and Madara and Sasuke began to talk.

"No ones fond of you being here,so let me make this betray us,and I'll make sure you won't see another day."Madara said.

Sasuke nodded,"fine."he replied.

Madara walked away,"I'd stay close to here.Itachi and Pain are on there way."he said.

Sasuke watched as he disappeared down the hall,he made the right decision after all.he was joined with the most powerful Uchihas,it was perfect.ever since he heard his brother was revived,he made it his goal to be the one to kill him this time.

This time no one was going to get in his way.

Rins P.O.V.
Damn it!

I was sitting down,starring at the rock wall.i was so upset at Madara.why did he do this?!what could possibly come of this?!what did he benefit from it?

"Starring at a wall isn't gonna change that he's your ally."Obito said.

I clenched my fist and stood up quick and turned to him.

"He's not my ally!"I yelled.

"He tried to kill me!you call that an ally!"I added.

"Rin-"he started to say but I cut him off.

"No sensei!theres nothing right about it!he's going to be just like Itachi!he'll end up betraying Madara!"I yelled.its like Madara wasn't thinking straight!he may be a genius,but this was a mistake!

"It's not up to you." Obito said.

I especially knew that,I didn't know what to do.i can't just be calm about this.and the problem was that before all of this happened to me...when me and Kabuto were friends..when I used to live in the hidden cloud.i didn't have my nindo...

But now,with all that I've experienced.the love,the heartbreak,the loss...

Izuna,Madara,and Obito has changed my life.we weren't started off so great,but now..everything was different...i had it now.

I felt myself tearing up,first I had to be allies with Sasuke?im just glad his older brothers dead.but what about him..what if he's like Itachi.

I heard footsteps,I looked next Obito and saw Madara approaching.

I turned around and wiped my eyes,damn..I was so mad at him.i didn't want to talk him right now.

"Rin."he said.

I don't know if I could go through with this,I didn't even wanna talk to Obito,now Madaras here.whats he here for?shouldn't he be with Sasuke.

"Why..."I whispered.i wanted to know why he was here.

"Sasukes here for a reason,it's not because I want him here."he said.

I whipped around angrily,"What if he tries to kill me again!what if he betrays you or Obito!i don't want anything to happen to you!"I yelled and stormed to the both of them.

"You understand he's Itachis brother!he betrayed you and Obito!we don't know what he's planning!we don't know his intentions!"I added,tears began to fall,I didn't try to stop them.

"Rin.."Obito said softly.

"Both of you are to important to me!"I yelled.

I cried in front of them,and they watched me.once again I had myself look weak and pathetic.what kind of shinobi am I!always crying!i let my emotions get the best of me!I can't do anything right..the echoes of my sobs was the only thing being heard.i just couldn't bear the thought of something happening to either of them,even though they were powerful ninjas.but so was Izuna,and looked what happened to him!

I gasped when I felt Madaras two hands grab my shoulders and pulled me inside his embrace.

He wasn't as stiff as he usually was when we came in contact.his arms tightened,my head lay on his chest.i heard his steady that moment I felt our chakra connect.his emotions that were stored away,I can suddenly feel them.

He must be feeling mine as well,he had to be..

But then,he let go.i looked up to him.he just starred at me with a calm eyes were still wide and he just acted like nothing had happened.he never did this!

"Your going to have to overlook Sasuke.treat him as if he were an ally.fake it if you have to."Madara said turning and walking away.

I averted my eyes to Obito,his eyes were like mine,big and shocked.

After a long pause,Obito finally spoke,"...Sasuke is going to be training with you."he said.

Madaras gesture made my heart melt,I can do this for him..I could try,or fake it like he said.i couldn't believe I actually felt his feelings,all his pain especially.

"F-fine."I said and looked at Obito.

"But he's not my ally."I added.

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