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Madara laid there on the ground with some pain hitting his body.

Madara laid there on the ground with some pain hitting his body

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How did she manage to do that?he thought.

That move was something he'd never seen before.but it didn't take him long to break it down,and figure out how to counter attack it.

The left horn on Madaras forehead had broken off.

Getting hit by four or five of those would be bad.he thought as he sat up.I should defiantly avoid getting hit by her fists.

Madara flew straight up,passing Rin fiercely.once he was high enough he looked down to her and smiled.

"One rarely gets to see someone who died ten minutes ago fight again!,alright I'm game!ill play with you!"he yelled enthusiastically.

Rin took a step back and clenched her fists.

"Rin!"Sasuke shouted.

She turned her body,"don't interfere!"she yelled and bent her knees,and jumped up into the air.

Madara watched,not taking his eyes off for a second."she's making her way to me by kicking in!"he said to himself.

Rin was using the force of her feet to use the air as a stepping stone.

Now!Rin weaved hand signs.

She's fast!Madara thought as a large black wall formed in front of him.

Another air cannon hit it.but even with that wall he could still feel the force of it.

What?he thought turning his head,I sense her behind me.

Sure enough,Rin was.she used her fist and created a second canon.

This one hit Madara making his face fly to the right harshly.

Rin moved once again,but this time to the right.she created a third canon and it instantly hit.she relocated and made another.

Madara narrowed his eyes,I can't move!he thought.

I have you right where I want you!Rin moved back to the front and charged straight forward.

The air had stopped,here she comes!Madaras truth seeker orb enlarged and formed a protective sphere around him.this should at least stop her attack.he turned around,about to escape.

Rins foot smashed into the black surface breaking it instantly.

Madara turned his head,she broke through the truth seeker orb?!he looked back to see nothing but her fist.

Madara turned his head,she broke through the truth seeker orb?!he looked back to see nothing but her fist

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