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I mentally groaned,i didn't want to wake up.but it was still dark out?

i looked over to the clock.


I sighed as i got up.i don't think i can go back to sleep.

I began to walk to my restroom,i did my hygenic routine and changed back into my dry clothes.for once it wasn't raining,it just looked grey and cloudy.

I looked out the window,Madara was walking away from the house!

I went out of my room and put on my shoes and swung the door open.

"Wait Madara!"I said closing it and running to him.

He stopped but didn't look back.

"I'll go with you."i said as i caught up with him.

He slightly turned his head,"vary well."he said.

I had a little smile as he started walking again.i held my hand behind my back as we walked next to each other.

I was blushing and looked to my left,should i try talking to him..

I meant what i said last night.I need to help Madara..he doesn't want it but im going to somehow make him.

"So,how did you sleep?"i asked.

"If your going to talk then go back to the house."he said.

I frowned,"Im just asking you a question,you don't have to get all mad."I muttered.

He stopped in his tracks,my eyes widened as he turned to me.

"I-I mean!it's just that im trying to be polite-"I started to say but Obito's voice cut me off.

"Everything's ready for the plan."he said.

"Sensei?"I questioned.

Our surroundings started to swirl-

"Where are we?"i said,we weren't in the village anymore!!

"Your in my time space."he said.

I looked around,it was dark and nothing but concrete in here.I looked back at Obito,he seemed to be angry.

"You know who to kill."Madara said.


Obito nodded.

"Who?"I tried saying but Madara spoke over me.

"This is a crucial,i need you to be sure that she's dead."he said.

It's a she?

"Ive evaluated specific techniques,she won't be alive to tell Nagato what happened."Obito said.

"Who is it?"I said again.

"You'll play the role of an Akuatski member,Tobi and take the downfall blaming it on his identity."Madara said.

I was so clueless,who were they talking about.

"WHO ARE Y-"I started to yell but in an instant Madara covered my mouth.

I tried to remove myself from his grip,but he held onto me tightly.

"Don't fail."Madara said.

"I won't."Obito replied.

He looked at me with a serious expression.

What is going on i thought and stopped struggling.

He weaved hand sings.

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