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Obito,Sasuke and I all spawned on the farthest and tallest cliff there was from Konoha.

But even though we were miles away from Naruto,I still wanted to go back and kill him.i was still angry,his words kept echoing in my head.

I just wanted to hit something!all this anger inside me!damn him!and his stupid promises!

"Why didn't you let me kill him!"I said raising my voice.

"Wasn't it the plan to kill everyone in the hidden leaf village."I added.Sasuke let go of my arm.

"It was also part of the plan to kill the hokage,was it not."Madara said.

I paused.i knew that was coming..

Obito didn't say anything,but Sasukes eyes were slightly widened.

"I admit...that was my fault."

"But we could've used this chance to kill Naruto-"I started to say but he cut me off.

"Your to weak to take on someone like him."he said.

I froze.


Madara glared at me for a second before walking away.

My heartbeat had skipped a beat,my fists clenched,frustration and anger,all of this was pulling on my was difficult to just stand here and hear those words coming from him.

Too weak..

Once again,we were all on the move.nightfall had come upon us,and the moon lit our path as we made our way through the large outstretched fields.

It was kind of relaxing for me as I stared at my bandaged hand and wrists.they ached from the wounds I had inflicted on myself back in Konoha.

I took a deep breath,it was worth it.

I obliterated everything and everyone inside the village.i finally did what I wanted to do for so my heart,I was satisfied,and in my head I was father and mother,I've finally avenged they're deaths,along with my entire clan.but Madara wasn't happy..

I was upset about that.with time,I got over what he had said to me.but I couldn't deny that it hurt.

I sighed,I was surprised that I didn't feel worn out.

But I could only imagine what Sasuke must've been feeling.he didn't look all that exhausted though.

I took my anger out on a innocent tree before we left the border,so I felt better.but it didn't get Narutos voice out of my head.

Why was he so determined on taking me and Sasuke back.he shouldn't be promising pointless things.even after I killed almost the entire village,and destroyed it...

He still didn't break after I did all of that.

How come I was able to do so on the hokage,but not him.

What was pushing Naruto.what was driving him,what was giving him the motivation.

It was a mystery.

But I was self conscious I really to weak to fight him..

I bit my bottom lip and looked up.Madara walked in front of me,I watched his back for a few moments before gathering courage to speak with him about what he said to me.i clenched my fists.

"Madara.."I said as speeding up my pace,and slowing down once I was next to him.

"Do you really think I'm weak.."I muttered.

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