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No ones P.O.V.
No ones here?...Obito thought as he walked out of the hideout.

Where was Rin?where was Madara,and Sasuke?

He walked alongside the cave.maybe they were in the back..probably training.he narrowed his gaze.he had told Madara that training Rin was dangerous,and he should take precaution to his own safety.

Obito was his apprentice,so Madara agreed to only train her eternal mangekyo on Obitos behalf.he wanted to keep Madara safe.he truly cared for him.

His eyes widened when he saw the sight before him.

The ground was split in two,and the forest that was once alive,was now destroyed.

What the hell happened!

Rin?!what did you do?!

He started to swirl,he was worried about her,even Sasuke...

He disappeared into the air.
"Breathe slowly,your throat won't heal fully now."Madara said.

I reached out,grabbing his shoulder.i pulled myself to a sitting position.his eyes slightly other hand grasped onto his chest,as I fell onto it.

"How?"he muttered.

"How do you get back up?."he whispered to himself.

I clung to him.he should've known the battle,I'm not fighting for my life.i could care less about it..I fight for him,and Obito...even Sasuke.the one who tried to kill me.

He didn't get it!he didn't get it at all!what I did back then,they way I told him that I would serve him no matter what.

"I have to protect those who are precious to me."I was even hard to speak,just as it was to breath normally.

"You and Obito...e-even Sasuke."i added.

Madara only looked elsewhere,he never wanted to get into conversations like these.he helped me stand and looked down to the sight below us.

"I'll be watching Rin."he said.

I looked down as well,Itachi had Sasuke against the wall,pinning his arm above him.all while Sasuke held his right eye in pain.

"I know."I replied.

I took a deep breath.

I jumped down the cliff,and descended through the same hole I had made on the roof.Madara had explained this place to me,since I saw the Uchiha symbol on multiple walls and trees I passed before.

It an underground bunker,where the legendary Uchiha stone tablet was at.

I landed behind Itachi.his hand changed into a fist.he was about to punch Sasuke,but I quickly ran forward and jumped.

My foot slammed into his side,he skidded across the ground and angrily looked up at me.

"What are you doing here Rin?!"Sasuke asked.

"Unbelievable."Itachi said as his eyes narrowed.I got into battle stance.what did he have to say now!

"You took down Pain."he said.

I clenched my fists,"Your next."I spat,and bit my thumb once again.a small blade quickly formed,as soon as i made that small cut.I pitched it to Itachi.

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