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I panted and hid my tears as they body,im losing feeling all over!

"Again."Obito said.

I wiped my tears away,I've been going at this since the early morning.i don't know if im going to be able to do this.even Izuna went back to the site.

I made my sign and closed my eyes.

My head was pounding.this jutsu was harming my body,even my chakra levels were decreased drastically.

Ive never been more dissapointed in myself.i cant master this stupid jutsu!tears fell when the pain returned,hitting the nerves and causing me to grunt and wasn't just in my eyes anymore.this kind of affect hit me all over.

A small stream of blood dripped from my mouth and onto the ground.

"S-sensei.."i whimpered.

"Again."he ordered.

It was useless...he wasn't going to listen to me at all.

I don't know if i can do it again!I got into position and placed my hands together.

This training was taking its toll on me,I dont know why he's making me do this.but he is my sensei and i have to obey him.

He's earned my respect and he's taught me so many things,let alone he's been kind to me.i felt the pain spike up again,push through it!push through it Rin!!

I felt blood running down my nose and the sides of my mouth once again.If i don't master it,then i won't be able to recover properly.

I yelled as i tried to push the pain away,but only grew more severe.


Tears fell down while my hands began to grow weary.

I can't..

My eyes opened,i failed..again.I fell fowards but i caught myself with my arms.

"Again."Obito said.

My chest heaved up and down,I looked up at him.he was staring straight into my eyes.

I furrowed my eyebrows,what the...

Obito tossed me a kunai,I didn't catch it due to my exhaustion.i was going to run out of chakra any second now...

"Look at your eyes."he said.

I blinked twice as my hand shakily went to the kunai that was next to me,I picked it up and raised it to my view.

They widened!

M-my sharingan!

I couldn't believe what I was seeing,this is the first time I've ever seen it on myself.i finally did it!i awakened them!

I cringed in pain when a shock was felt all over my body,I dropped the kunai and placed my hands back on the floor to support my upper body.


We both turned and saw Izuna walking over to us,huh?he came back?

"What is it?"Obito said in an impatient tone.

"Its just.."he said looking at me.

Izuna's expression told me he was shocked,the state i was in was pretty bad.streaks of blood were shown,and i was sweating and panting like a dog.

"If it's nothing,you should leave."Obito said.

"I think she should stop trying to master this jutsu!"he yelled.

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